The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1410 Making Fun With Beasts

Chapter 1410 Making Fun With Beasts
In high-level arenas, those who come to participate in the competition are rarely coerced, because high-level warriors are usually difficult to be killed directly, and serious injuries are easy to heal.

Therefore, those who are looking for breakthroughs and those who want to make a name are indispensable.

At this time, the high-level arena has not yet started.

When Quan Jiayun entered, only half of the people were seated inside, and there were still people coming in one after another. Quan Jiayun's arrival immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Quan Jiayun scanned the venue and walked towards the VIP seats.

just approached.

"Master Ce, you're here too."

The person on the right obviously recognized her and immediately greeted her with a smile.

Quan Jiayun recognized the other party as a former friend of Jiang Ce's, and the parents in the family were also third-tier warriors. They belonged to a kind of cooperative but actually subordinate relationship with the Jiang family.

She looked at the other party and nodded lightly, then chose a good seat and sat down.

The man also tried to strike up a conversation.

However, Quan Jiayun's attitude was indifferent and perfunctory, so the other party took notice.

Soon, the venue began to warm up.

Several high-level warrior staff came up with two cages, each containing a large second-level monster.

One is a long-haired brown bear, more than ten feet long, with rough fur and thick fur, deep fangs, and sharp nails that can easily tear ordinary humans into strips of flesh.

One is a dragon and lion, which looks a bit like a dragon, with a circle of pure golden hair around its neck, and also has deep fangs.

They were bound round and round by iron chains, and they had obviously been hungry for a few days, and their eyes were filled with fierce light.

It seems that as long as it is sent out, it will tear human beings apart.

When the monster was brought up, a huge iron cage rose up in the center of the venue.

It is said that this huge iron cage is made of the hardest alloy, and at the same time, a power grid is built in it, which is specially used for fighting beasts.

The staff put a piece of huge meat into the huge iron cage, and then the iron chain was released, and the two monsters were put in through two openings at the same time.

Usually in the wilderness area, monsters with comparable cultivation would face each other for a long time between battles.

But now he is obviously hungry.

Almost instantly, the two monsters ran towards the piece of meat at the same time, and then collided with each other for the sake of the meat, and began to bite fiercely.

The battle between wild beasts was extremely brutal.

Relying entirely on primitive instinct.

They don't have sanity, they don't know how to play tricks, they only have the purpose of surviving, which is to tear and bite to death the other party who dares to grab the prey with them.

Seeing the start of the two-beast fight, warm cheers erupted in the venue.

Quan Jiayun squinted slightly to watch the fierce fighting on the field.

Naturally, she did not see many battles between monsters. She even secretly watched the battle between monsters of the fourth rank. In the end, when the two were defeated and feared injury, she came out to make a profit.

But before they were raised in captivity for fun, there was no such thing in Canglan Star. There were spirit beasts tamed in Canglan Star, but there were no such fighting beasts. People focused more on cultivation.

Quan Jiayun looked at it indifferently, and didn't have much feeling for this kind of practice, neither liked nor disliked.

In her opinion, this can only be said to be a very normal phenomenon.

When human beings were weak before, they were reduced to the rations of monsters, and hundreds of millions of people died.

Now that humans have risen, hunting and killing monsters is fun with monsters again.

There are causes and effects, there are back and forth, and different positions have different opinions.

(End of this chapter)

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