The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1421 Are you in love with me?

Chapter 1421 Are you in love with me?

In normal times, the other party really did what he said before, and he didn't touch her again, except for the occasional molestation, but that kind of molestation was all casual, without any pornographic waste at all, obviously just casually said .

This is one aspect.

On the other hand, like tonight.

First of all, under such circumstances, he took the dagger empty-handed.

Later, I don't know what method I used to find the disguised Dugu, and I stopped him. I thought I would be furious, but in a few words, I let him go easily.

After that, I made another bet and never lost.

It's just so fascinating.

Tang Haoyue was quite anxious about this unpredictable situation.

Although she didn't know much about the other party three years ago, after several confrontations, she still understands some of Jiang Ce's habits and personality.

but now……

Just as Tang Haoyue was staring at Jiang Ce's face and her thoughts were racing, Jiang Ce's voice sounded, interrupting her thoughts.

"Sneaking at me, did you fall in love with me so quickly?"

Hearing this voice, Tang Haoyue's body froze, and in the next second, her eyes met those smiling eyes.

The heart beat uncontrollably.

Soon, Tang Haoyue suppressed the urge to turn her head to avoid it, met his gaze and said, "I'm a little curious, young master, how did you find out that the person who disguised himself was him just now."

Quan Jiayun chuckled lightly and said, "I want to know, give me a kiss and I'll tell you."

As she spoke, she tilted her head slightly, that lazy and wicked tone was extremely suspenseful.

Tang Haoyue didn't want to look at his face, she turned her head and said, "Young Master doesn't want to tell, just pretend I didn't ask."

Quan Jiayun leaned on the back of the chair and said lazily: "It's really not cute. In fact, the reason is simple, because I saw his disguise. As for why I saw it, of course it is because my eyes are different and I can wear clothes." Through everything."

Tang Haoyue's face froze when she heard these confident words, and she subconsciously wanted to look into his eyes, to see how he said those words.

But as soon as she moved her head and realized her intention, she held back again.

Because she found that she was more and more easily influenced by his words, and this was not a good thing.

She replied bluntly: "That's it, I understand, thank you young master for your answer."

Listening to Tang Haoyue's insincere and extremely perfunctory words, Quan Jiayun smiled and closed his eyes again.

There was no further conversation in the car after that.

The car drove back to Jiang's house quietly.

In the next few days, Quan Jiayun didn't go to the Arena of Kings anymore. For her, although it could bring some excitement there and win a lot of money, she would not study it like others.

She likes all kinds of entertainment, but she will not indulge in any of them.

On the sixth day, Jiang Mingxuan was summoned by Jiang Jianmin.

Quan Jiayun sat in the small world, quietly shrank the small world, and attached to Jiang Mingxuan's hair pile.

Because of Jiang Jianmin's existence, Quan Jiayun didn't poke out her divine sense, she just sat in the small world and looked outside through the eyes of the small world.

Because of the particularity and secrecy of the small world, and because Quan Jiayun was not flying in the air, Jiang Jianmin, a Tier [-] fighter, was unable to discover this unexpected guest.

He led his grandson and son inside together.

Soon, the three of them, plus Quan Jiayun, entered a secret basement from the backyard where Jiang Jianmin lived.

(End of this chapter)

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