The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1426 She Is My Sunshine

Chapter 1426 She Is My Sunshine
The girl was clearly desperate to hope that wasn't true.

For such a question, Si Chengtian would basically not be able to answer it with another person. He doesn't have so much free time to answer other people's questions one by one, especially when it involves his personal feelings.

But the other party is Quan's family, and it seems that he still has a problem with Quan Jiayun.

Si Chengtian couldn't ignore this.

He must make the other party sober.

Si Chengtian looked at the girl with slightly cold eyes, and did not directly answer whether he was pursuing this question, but replaced the answer with another sentence.

"She is my sunshine, and I want to catch this ray of sunshine."

The simple yet romantic and graceful words are undoubtedly a heavy blow to Quan Yuqi.

Every time she understood.

But she didn't want to understand.

Quan Yuqi's eyes were wide open, her body was shaken and she took two steps back, the light in her eyes went out quite a bit at this moment.

She is my sunshine! !And I want to catch this ray of sunshine.

This can be a very touching love story.

For a moment, Quan Yuqi's expression looked like a smile but not a smile, madness but not madness.

General Si actually said that Quan Jiayun was his sunshine.

Sunshine, that is an indispensable thing for every human being, General Si actually compared Quan Jiayun to sunshine! ! !
Hehehe, this is simply a shocking joke.

Si Chengtian looked at the maniacal expression on the other party's face, and had no intention of continuing to deal with the other party.

Si Chengtian took a step forward and was about to leave.

But at this time, Quan Yuqi, who looked mad but not mad, seemed to suddenly think of something. She suddenly raised her head, looked at Si Chengtian's face and said loudly: "But, General Si, don't you have a girlfriend? What's that called?" What's the matter?"

She tapped her palms suddenly, and said with bright eyes: "By the way, it's called Mu Youyun, that's Mu Youyun. General, don't you have her? Why are you getting involved with Quan Jiayun again?"

Quan Yuqi was like a drowning person, randomly grabbing every possible floating board.

But her questioning like this is almost very unreasonable.

Hearing these words, Si Chengtian paused, looked at the girl with a cold expression, and said, "Mu Youyun, don't you know how to put this name together?"

Quan Yuqi was stunned, and her mind turned.

Wood and cloud.

Quan Yun!

Only the Jia character in the middle is missing.

It turned out that Mu Youyun was actually Quan Jiayun?

Quan Yuqi was completely dumbfounded. She opened her mouth to say something, but her lips trembled but she didn't say anything, because each incident had too much impact on her.

General Si likes Quan Jiayun again.

Quan Jiayun again turned out to be Mu Youyun.

Si Chengtian ignored the girl and walked past her.

Before Si Chengtian could go far, Quan Yuqi revived again.

Because she remembered one more thing.

She turned around and looked at Si Chengtian's back, like a righteous angel rescuing someone deceived by the devil, and hurriedly told the evil of the devil.

"General Si, you have been deceived by Quan Jiayun. I don't know what she looks like in front of you, but she is definitely not what you see. It's not that I mean to speak ill of my cousin, but she is here The relationship between men and women is really casual."

"She didn't tell Xiao Tianhao in her class clearly. Last time, she actually brought a man back to her room for the night, and let the man sleep in her room for the night."

Si Chengtian's footsteps stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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