The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1429 After March

Chapter 1429 After March
Seeing that she was still crying so vigorously, Quan Zhengfeng knew that this should not be a fatal injury, which reassured him a lot.

He hugged Quan Yuqi and said, "I can't understand the situation just because you cry. I'll take you to a doctor right away."

Quan Yuqi still didn't speak, still crying.

Because this kind of mental blow is heavier than the physical pain, it is a little heavy for her who is not yet 16 years old.

This night, at the end of the night, Quan Yuqi did not say that she was injured by General Si. She did not cry to her mother and father as before, and let them make decisions for her.

She just sat in silence the whole time, didn't answer any questions, just said she was fine.

Quan Zhengfeng felt that the silence after his daughter cried tonight was a bit abnormal, so he checked. Although there was no surveillance in that area at that time, from the surveillance on the other side, it can be found that that time period was the time period when the general passed by.

Although Quan Zhengfeng found it unbelievable that the general taught his daughter a lesson, after all, General Si ignored such a small character.

But it is indeed a bit like being taught by the general.

Seeing that she herself said it was all right, don't worry about it, and Quan Zhengfeng was not asking any more questions.

In the days that followed, he found that his daughter had grown up overnight, and was no longer as arrogant as before, so he sincerely thanked the person who taught his daughter that night.

Of course, Quan Jiayun didn't know all of this.

At the East China base, she is busy and fulfilling every day.

Most of the time is spent on cultivation and refining. Occasionally, she will appear in Jiang Ce's training room to train and beat Tang Haoyue and Ren Xiuzhu, like a devil. Ren Xiuzhu's legs tremble when he sees her.

In this way, in such an ordinary and not ordinary day, nearly four months passed in a flash.

Fast forward to June.

in a small world.

Quan Jiayun closed her eyes, and sat cross-legged on the white jade tower of the Immortal Palace with her face as heavy as water. The aura of the small world kept approaching her. After a day and a night, the dense aura around her surrounded her like a mist.

Sitting cross-legged among them, she looked a bit like a fairy, looking more and more awe-inspiring and inviolable.

In this early morning, Quan Jiayun suddenly took a deep breath.

Visible to the naked eye, these auras that seemed to be real were pouring towards her one after another, and her body was like a huge funnel, receiving these auras infinitely without stopping.

Within three breaths, so much spiritual energy around her entered Quan Jiayun's body, and was completely swallowed by her.

After Quan Jiayun refined the aura, he stared at this dantian with aloof consciousness.

At this time, Quan Jiayun's dantian has changed differently from a few months ago.

Now there is no space left in her dantian, looking inside, it is a sea of ​​five colors.

That sparkling appearance is so beautiful and beautiful.

And behind this sea of ​​five colors, it means that she can change into any kind of spiritual power of any attribute at will.

In addition, that fullness also means that Quan Jiayun's peak foundation has been reached.

Yes, after nearly four months of practicing and accumulating daily with demon pills, Quan Jiayun has jumped from the middle stage of foundation establishment to the late stage of foundation establishment, and from the late stage to the peak of foundation establishment, which is only one line away from the formation of pills.

Quan Jiayun stared at this dantian, let out a breath, and slowly opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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