The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1431 after the plan

Chapter 1431 after the plan
Quan Jiayun still ignored him.

Long Xiao then really changed back to his original body.

Turning back to the original body, Quan Jiayun stopped after only a few moves.

Because Quan Jiayun basically experimented in this meeting.

I have a clearer understanding of what I can do now.

Long Xiao said angrily: "Fight, why don't you fight?"

Quan Jiayun shrugged and said with a smile: "I can't beat it, how can you tell me to beat it."

Long Xiao snorted coldly: "Hmph, you still have some self-knowledge, but don't think that I will forget about it. You ruined my clothes and you have to pay me."

"Compensation compensation."

"I also want to make a seafood feast for the king."

"Ok, no problem."

Quan Jiayun should be faster than anyone else.

So naturally, the two of them had a delicious meal of fresh seafood.

Of course, Quan Jiayun didn't do anything, she only talked about it, and the coolies were all done by Long Xiao.

Originally, Long Xiao definitely wouldn't do it at first, but Quan Jiayun was so handy with this little milk dragon, pretending that he didn't do well, and then when the little milk dragon was doing it, he kept praising him. He was elated.

In the end, when Long Xiao came back to his senses, he was asked to do everything.

So, he was so angry that he made a note of Quan Jiayun, a villain.

After making up his mind, he must let her suffer once.

Full of food and drink, Quan Jiayun lay on the soft green grass with a blade of grass in his mouth, looking at the ever-changing sky above the small world, thinking about what he should do next.

The foundation is complete.

Reaching this level in a year can be described as fast.

It took her more than 10 years to get to this point.

At this point, it is meaningless to continue to practice in closed doors.

Because the formation of alchemy is not something that can be achieved through hard work.

Formation of alchemy requires resources and opportunities.

Basically, monks who have reached this stage will travel and experience in various places, looking for opportunities for breakthroughs.

Especially this time she formed the five-color pill, which is much more difficult than simply forming a golden pill with a single attribute.

It can be said that it is five times as difficult as before.

Because of the particularity of her cultivation method, once she successfully forms the alchemy, she can directly beat all the monks of the same level, so it is naturally impossible to be promoted very easily.

In this regard, it is fair.

Each path has advantages and disadvantages.

If it was easy, there would not always be such monks in the cultivation world.

Quan Jiayun knew this at the beginning of his cultivation.According to the exercise notes she got, the Shinan Heavenly Immortal mentioned that there are several elixir that can increase the chance of success in forming a pill.

However, she has not seen these kinds of elixir on Earth so far.

Now it's time to see if there are other alternatives.

Quan Jiayun's eyes flickered slightly, and the green grass turned in one direction between her lips and teeth.

Now that she has this level of cultivation, and has refined the Xinghe Sword Festival to a top-grade spiritual weapon, she is capable of fighting against Jindan cultivators. She will never worry about the lack of spiritual power like in the middle stage of foundation establishment. .

So, now, you can look for your parents seriously without any scruples.

If there is no East China base, it seems that there are other bases to go to.

As for the very suspicious Jiang family, let's observe for a while.

After thinking about her plans, Quan Jiayun jumped up easily, and arrived at the altar where she often took a bath, and soaked beautifully for a while.

Then, I slept for a day and a night.

When Quan Jiayun woke up again, he heard the news of an explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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