Chapter 1440
After saying the words "Come with me", Jiang Mingxuan stood up straight with a sneer, folded his hands on his chest and pressed against the car door, with a white-eyed and impatient expression, showing his disdain for Jiang Ce without any concealment.

After listening to Jiang Mingxuan's words, Quan Jiayun sat there still motionless.

She maintained the expression she had just now, looked at Jiang Mingxuan with his nostrils upturned outside the car, and said coldly: "No, tell the Patriarch that I am busy."

not going?

Jiang Mingxuan couldn't believe his ears.

Refused?Jiang Ce actually refused!
He didn't expect Jiang Ce to dare to refuse.

This is a family meeting! ! !
Needless to say, the importance of the family meeting is that no matter what you have, you must give priority to it. Jiang Ce actually said that he would not go if he had something to do. This is despising the majesty of the patriarch!
Jiang Mingxuan was a little angry for a moment, but soon he became happy.

Isn't it just right that Jiang Ce wants to die?

The so-called thing is only three, will grandpa tolerate him this third time?

Jiang Mingxuan let go, bent down again, looked at Jiang Ce in the car, and said with a strange smile, "Are you sure?"

Quan Jiayun didn't bother to answer him at all, she rolled her eyelids, rushed out of the car and said: "Zhan Hu, drive."

Zhan Hu immediately started the car.

With a wave of Jiang Mingxuan's hand, the Tier [-] martial artist behind him blocked the front of the car with one hand.

After the car couldn't drive away, Jiang Mingxuan turned on the communicator and said to Jiang Ce: "Empty words are useless. Say what you just said again so that I can explain to Grandpa."

What the other party did made Quan Jiayun even more impatient.

She suppressed the urge to kill the opponent, stared at Jiang Mingxuan, and said coldly: "No, I, Jiang Ce has something to do not go to this family meeting, do you hear me clearly? If you hear me clearly, you can get out."

The unceremonious expulsion order did not save Jiang Mingxuan any face.

Jiang Mingxuan, who is used to being violent, how could he bear this breath, his temper came at the moment, he stared at Quan Jiayun and said fiercely: "Get out, tell me to get out? Jiang Ce, is this how you are a brother? Since You do not……"

Before Jiang Mingxuan could finish his words on the demonstration, and then implement the on-site lesson, Zhan Hu made a move under the signal of Quan Jiayun's eyes.

Jiang Mingxuan became alert when Zhan Hu grabbed his arm as soon as the other party pushed the door open.

However, he never thought that a servant would dare to fight him, he flicked his sleeves, and was about to turn around and reprimand this person.

But as soon as there was a delay, an overwhelming force came.

Jiang Mingxuan, who was caught off guard, was thrown aside.

Jiang Mingxuan, who had already advanced to the third level, was naturally not thrown out and fell down. He stabilized his footing after only a few steps away, but this was enough to make him furious. He raised his eyes and glared at Zhan Hu angrily: " How dare you attack this young master, you are courting death."

"Go up and take him down.

With a stern shout, Jiang Mingxuan came along with him. His guardian, also a Tier [-] warrior, immediately obeyed his orders and went up to capture Zhanhu, like a phantom.

Zhan Hu, who originally wanted to get in the car after throwing him off, heard Quan Jiayun's merciless order when Jiang Mingxuan gave the order.

"Come on, teach them a lesson."

Originally, Quan Jiayun was in a hurry to go out and didn't want to delay here for a minute, but it was obvious that if the other party didn't do something like this, even if he drove, he would definitely chase and destroy the car.

So be crisp.

Under Quan Jiayun's order, Zhan Hu instantly jumped up to meet the opponent's two fingers with one fist.

(End of this chapter)

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