The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1442 Haoyue's Progress

Chapter 1442 Haoyue's Progress

This is even more ridiculous! !

One can tell that she didn't do it on purpose, and two can show that she clearly did it on purpose.

This is to show his ability and ability in front of him?
Or have you betrayed him?

However, no matter what it is, it has the same effect, and it is not enough for Jiang Mingxuan to tolerate her.

For the former, he doesn't need to have such disobedient followers, for the latter, the latter is even more damning.

Jiang Mingxuan stared at the other party twice, and said two good words one after another.


It's her who doesn't know good from bad.

Such a chess piece is not worth mentioning.

Jiang Mingxuan's eyes showed a murderous look, and this time he directly struck with [-]% strength and ruthless hands.

Tier [-] warriors are far superior to Tier [-] warriors in terms of physical tyranny and strength. As long as Tier [-] warriors are hit by his fists, they will definitely be injured.

However, Tang Haoyue has not been a vegetarian for the past four months, and whenever she sees that she cannot be avoided, she can avoid it flexibly.

like that.

First, with the support of high-quality resources, she has now advanced to the second level, the eighth level, and nearly the ninth level.

Second, Quan Jiayun's occasional guidance made her improve her footwork and saber technique several times.

Really several times.

Much better than her previous knife and footwork.

In particular, Jiang Ce said that this footwork is extremely fast, as long as the eyesight can keep up with the opponent's attack trajectory, the third-tier warrior can also dodge the attack
It was also because of this, that Tang Haoyue did not follow Jiang Mingxuan's wishes when she met Jiang Mingxuan's gaze just now.

Back then, the other party promised her that as long as she assisted him and stared at Jiang Ce, he would set her free until Jiang Ce was abolished, so she agreed to be a pawn and dormant.

After Jiang Ce left for three years, the other party left her alone for three years and did nothing for her at all.

Even going to the combat team was something she fought for herself.

After Jiang Ce came back this time, he never looked for her at first. When Jiang Ce brought her with him, he sent someone to look for her again.

But Jiang Ce's changes after he came back, especially the matter of teaching her martial arts, made Tang Haoyue change his mind.

Not touched.

It's just that she thought, since Jiang Ce is doing this now.

In this way, to kill Jiang Ce, she doesn't need to rush to rely on anyone, naturally she can do it herself.

Therefore, before Jiang Mingxuan asked her about Jiang Ce's retreat, she didn't answer truthfully, but only answered perfunctorily. Now, she naturally wouldn't listen to Jiang Mingxuan.

She even wants to have a good fight with the third-tier fighters to see how much she has improved! !
Anyway, Jiang Ce is behind him, isn't he?

After all, compared to Jiang Mingxuan's possible revenge, it was Jiang Ce who made her feel more terrifying.

Jiang Mingxuan didn't know about Tang Haoyue's mentality, so he attacked Tang Haoyue ten times in a blink of an eye.

However, Tang Haoyue narrowly avoided every move that was about to hit.

It's like Kong has brute force, but he has nowhere to use it.

It was like cat and mouse.

Tang Haoyue's performance made Jiang Mingxuan look sideways and was shocked.

For the first time and the second time, he thought it was just the opponent's luck.

Only now did he notice that the opponent obviously didn't just dodge with agility, the agility and speed had obviously improved, and the footwork was extremely difficult to figure out, much faster than ordinary second-tier eighth-layer warriors.

What footwork did she learn?
Not inferior to his speed! !
(End of this chapter)

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