The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1456 Array Talisman

Chapter 1456 Array Talisman
Quan Jiayun got Ren Xiuzhu's blood, waved away everyone, and started to make this small version of the magic circle.

It is said to be a small version, but it is actually a formation symbol.

Because formations are usually arranged relying on the geographical surroundings of heaven and earth, only in this way can the power of heaven and earth be attracted by the power of heaven and earth to create a shocking effect.

The basic formations cannot be moved once they are deployed. No matter how small you make them, they cannot be moved with you. If you move them, they will have no effect.

Therefore, the formation is also very restrictive. Even if you arrange a strong formation in this place, you must arrange it again if you change the place.

But to put it this way, human beings are naturally smart.

After generations of monks researched, a simple method such as array symbols came out.

This is the same as talisman compilation. Draw on the spiritual paper with aura, and the formation talisman can be carried with you and used at any time.

However, because of abandoning the point of borrowing the power of heaven and earth, the power of the array is limited, and it can only exert one-third of the original array's effect.

Even so, it is not something anyone can draw. It is much more difficult to make than drawing talismans. First of all, the requirements are more than just drawing talismans.

Therefore, it must be a monk who is proficient in formations, but even if he can arrange formations, he may not necessarily be able to draw formations.

Because this is not the same road, you need to know how to make talismans.

Therefore, there are very few monks who can make talismans in Canglan Star.

Because the power of the formation talisman is limited, it is okay to make some convenient and simple small formation talismans. Once it involves a large formation, no one can draw it.

In this way, it can be said that learning how to make a talisman is not very useful.

Therefore, there will be fewer people.

Because Quan Jiayun is proficient in making talismans and formations, he also learned how to draw some talismans at the beginning. Although he can't be called a talisman master, he can't draw big ones either.

But she can still do such a simple blood spirit circle.

Of course, there is another way to make something like a compass, and use the blood sacrifice compass to carry the detected direction with you, but it takes a lot of time to make the compass.

So Quan Jiayun chose to make a talisman.

During this period, no one came to report the ringing of the magic circle again, so Quan Jiayun didn't stop.

She estimated the size of the city and drew several pictures in succession.

After making the talisman, Quan Jiayun felt a little tired.

One morning, when she arrived in this city, she had spent a wave of her consciousness during the search, and now she has spent so long on her consciousness, so she will naturally be tired.

Quan Jiayun put away the talisman, and took a piece of Anshen San made by herself to refresh her mind.

Only then did Quan Jiayun walk out.

It was almost noon outside.

Quan Jiayun raised his head, squinted at the sun that was not too hot this season, and strode out.

Zhan Hu Tang Haoyue immediately followed.

Because it is not possible to use such a fast scanning method as divine consciousness, it has to go through every street and alley now, so it will take a little more time than before.

However, Quan Jiayun was not impatient because of this.

She has never been more patient than anyone when it comes to business.

This search took more than an hour.

By this time, Quan Jiayun had already traveled half the city.

Quan Jiayun didn't intend to rest. With a touch of his hand, the car turned to the next street.

But the car stopped without entering.

(End of this chapter)

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