Chapter 1458
This time it was still the same as before, the formation instantly melted into the air and spread.

However, the result this time was different from the previous ones. After all the talismans spread, a bloody spot lit up in response, which meant that the goal of this trip was found.

Immediately, Quan Jiayun paused, and looked forward with sharp eyes.

In an instant, the figures in front of her disappeared like a fantasy scene and faded away. In the direction where Quan Jiayun looked, there was only one vivid person.

That person was facing Quan Jiayun with his back on his back, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

But judging from the opponent's height of about 1.8 meters, his thin and slender figure, and his short black hair, it can be seen that this is a man's figure.

Quan Jiayun locked onto this person's back, and walked over step by step, without rushing or running, because by this time, the person could no longer escape her sight.

man, found it.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun is not in a hurry.

On the contrary, Quan Jiayun fixed his gaze on this person with a slight look of surprise.

Because this person turned out to be a monk, and, moreover, a monk who had already entered the Foundation Establishment Stage.

The other party seemed to be aware of the sight from this side, and turned to look at Quan Jiayun.

When seeing Jiang Ce, this person's heart moved, but his face showed no expression at all, as if he was looking at a stranger, he glanced lightly and then looked away.

And when the other party turned his head, Quan Jiayun could see the other party's face clearly.

It was a young face, and it was pretty good-looking, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, a straight nose bridge, light-colored lips, and a slightly tapered chin, which belonged to the hexagram "beautiful in beauty".

Looking at such a face, Quan Jiayun still couldn't figure out which relative this face looked like.

After thinking about it, there was no face similar to her in her memory bank.

But it is also true that the opponent's body reacted to the talisman.

Quan Jiayun became more and more interested.

Quan Jiayun stared at this person, and heard this person say: "There is nothing to discuss, this thing is what I like first, and I will talk about her price first, there is no room for compromise, what do you think?" If you want, go find it yourself.”

It can be said that the words are quite tough, with an aura that is neither humble nor overbearing.

Putting these words aside, he shook off the man's hand as soon as he shook his hand, and turned around to leave.

The person who confronted him unexpectedly got his hand thrown away, and let out an angry cold snort.

"Want to go? Did I let you go?"

After these words, Quan Jiayun saw that two warriors of the second rank and ninth rank immediately stood in front of this person.

Seeing this scene, Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes slightly, and glanced at the person who made the sound.

At a glance, she recognized who the other party was, Wang Han, a Tier [-] warrior, was considered a celebrity in the East China Base.

For such a situation, Quan Jiayun didn't need to think about it, just based on the two words of the other party, he could infer a cause and effect. Obviously, the two of them were looking at the same thing.

It's just that one goes first and the other goes behind, and the later battle is just trying to grab it now.

Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at his hand, but it seemed to be put away.

Quan Jiayun lifted his eyelids, and looked at several people again.

When ordinary people encounter such a thing, they might immediately go to stand up for it, but Quan Jiayun didn't. Seeing this scene, she was not in a hurry to go to the front and take that person away immediately.

Because she really wanted to see what he, a mid-stage foundation-building monk, would do.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun stopped at a spot in front of the stalls of several people, watching from the sidelines, without even covering up, just watching calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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