Chapter 1463

What Wang Han thought was that since Jiang Ce could catch it, the monk's cultivation level would not be that high, because he had heard of the Jiang family, and Jiang Mingxuan had advanced to the third level, but Jiang Ce hadn't.

And he almost scared himself just now, thinking that the other party really has some abilities and is difficult to deal with.

Seeing Wang Han's flattering smile, Quan Jiayun frowned, looked at him and said, "Everything belongs to me, don't you want it?"

Wang Han smiled and said: "I don't want it at all. Of course it's a lie. Ce Shao eats meat, and I can just drink the soup. The thing he snatched just now can be mine. Ce Shao, how about it?" ?”

Seeing that the two ignored the cultivator in the air and discussed their belongings after that, the people who watched this scene from a distance couldn't help but glance at the young monk in the air.

Secret payment: Why didn't he take the opportunity to escape?What are you doing standing there?Does he still have the confidence to deal with them who are united?
And even if this cultivator can beat a Tier [-] warrior, can he not care about the big family of the Jiang family?The Jiang family suddenly announced that their patriarch had advanced to the fourth rank, taking advantage of the cultivator's presence in this world.

Tier [-] Warrior! !

That sounds like a Nascent Soul cultivator.

With such an identity, does this monk really have no scruples?
Among the people's guesses, Quan Xuesong in the air looked at Jiang Ce in disbelief, and at the same time felt a little annoyed at his rash move.

He expected that the sneak attack might not be 100% successful, but he never expected that the other party would be able to control his spiritual weapon. Now no matter how hard he tried to summon the two sub-swords, it was as if nothing had disappeared.

If he hadn't been able to feel the vague connection, he would have thought he had been cut off abruptly.

Quan Xuesong's eyes darkened, and he quickly thought about the countermeasures. He must take back the sword set that belongs to him.

At this moment, Quan Jiayun, who was below, faced Wang Han's proposal, chuckled lightly, stared at his eyebrows and said: "As long as there is only one thing, wouldn't it be wronging you?"

Wang Han hurriedly said: "I am not wronged, I am not wronged, and it is my honor to help the less successful."

When the words fell, Wang Han saw that the smile on Jiang Ce's face had finally spread, so he knew that he had finally satisfied Master Ce. He was very happy, and saw Jiang Ce said to him with a smile on his face: "Would you like to see it?" See his two flying swords?"

Regarding this proposal, Wang Han did not hesitate, and hurriedly said: "Yes."

Quan Jiayun said again: "Come here and take a closer look, he has some skills with this sword, he can't let go."

Wang Han didn't doubt that he was there, so he immediately took a step forward, leaned over and looked down.

In an instant, right at this moment, Quan Jiayun lifted up the hand he was showing him, and exerted a sudden force. The two sharp three-foot flying swords in his hand accurately cut open Wang Han's neck and inserted them into the throat. middle.

All this is so fast.

When Wang Han came to his senses, he was already a beat behind. When the sword pierced his throat, and when Wang Han wanted to resist the shot, Zhan Hu on the side had already restrained Wang Han's arm very well, making Wang Han John couldn't back down.

So, just like that, the flying sword pierced through Wang Han's throat abruptly.

This scene made everyone look stupid.

what's the situation?
Jiang Ce killed Wang Han?
Quan Xuesong in the sky also frowned in surprise, what direction is this going?
Wang Han, who was pierced through his throat, was still struggling desperately at first, but the injury that almost cut his neck made his strength worse and farther away from that of Zhanhu, and his struggle became smaller and smaller. He was like a pig on the board. Can be bound and let blood...

(End of this chapter)

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