The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1486 Find Si Chengtian

Chapter 1486 Find Si Chengtian

With this opening, all the Jiang family members also spoke to you, and I talked about my own views.

Because of opposing opinions,

Each station has its own faction.

For a moment, the hall was filled with human voices.

Sitting in a high position, Jiang Jianmin just listened to everyone's speeches, rubbed his pipe from time to time, and his eyes shone with a light that no one could understand.

You come and go, radicals and conservatives.Everyone still can't convince anyone,
Seeing the situation can't stop.

Jiang Jianmin tapped his pipe.

After everyone calmed down, he looked at everyone with piercing eyes and said: "I think you all with the surname Jiang understand that the Jiang family is on the same boat, Jiang Jiasheng, that's why you can be kings and hegemons outside. With the decline of the Jiang family, it is difficult for everyone to survive, so I believe that you are also sincerely thinking about the future of the family, and every step is to consider the rise and fall of the family."

"On this matter, if there is no news brought back by Jiang Ce, we may be able to endure it for a while, but knowing that the Cultivation Alliance wants to deal with my Jiang family, we can't wait for the situation to deteriorate step by step. We must take the initiative to plan the best way out, so it is also a way to take the initiative."

"But this matter still needs to be planned, and we can't act recklessly."

He said with his eyes flickering slightly, and said: "Tomorrow's banquet, I will bring people to participate, so it's decided, and the other second-order juniors have been confined to retreat for a while, and none of them are allowed to leave the Jiang family mansion ,do you understand?"

"Yes." The juniors said yes one after another.

"Okay, you all go down."

A meeting finally came to an end like this, Quan Jiayun turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Jiang Jianmin.

"Jiang Ce stays."

In the eyes of other juniors who had their own thoughts, Quan Jiayun stood still.

After the other juniors left and only the fighters before the third level of the Jiang family remained, Jiang Jianmin looked at Jiang Ce and said, "You did a good job in this incident, and you actually brought back such an important thing."

Jiang Jianmin knocked the pipe on the storage bag while talking.

Quan Jiayun said calmly: "This is what I should do."

Jiang Jianmin's eyes suddenly sank, he stared at Jiang Ce and said, "However, you are still too much when it comes to treating brothers of the same clan. I don't care how you compete in private, but I will never allow you to kill relatives, no matter what you do in the future. How much ability, as long as I am still alive, once you commit such a crime, then I will never show mercy, understand?"

Quan Jiayun lowered his eyelids and said, "Understood, Ce'er dare not forget the family rules, please rest assured, Patriarch."

The others, especially Jiang Mingxuan's father, felt somewhat more at ease at this moment.

After all, how could his son be punished? Jiang Ce has nothing to do.

Jiang Jianmin said again: "Because of this, you won't be rewarded for your meritorious deeds this time. It can be regarded as paying off for your meritorious deeds. Do you have any objections to this result?"

Quan Jiayun: "I have no opinion, everything is up to the Patriarch."

Jiang Jianmin nodded, and then said: "I will arrange another thing for you. After a while, you will take your people, get on my stealth plane, and head to the Southwest Base."

Hearing this, Quan Jiayun raised his eyelids and looked at Jiang Jianmin: "To the southwest base?"

Jiang Jianmin said: "Well, go find Si Chengtian over there, bring my sincerity, and be sure to invite him over to help my Jiang family."

(End of this chapter)

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