Chapter 1488 Call
Go, Quan Jiayun will definitely not go to the Southwest Base, and agreeing to Jiang Jianmin is nothing more than an act of yin and yang.

There is nothing more important than her finding her parents now, so she will naturally not go to the Southwest base at this juncture.

But for Si Chengtian, she didn't want to see Si Chengtian messing with the Jiang family.

Neither public nor private want to see him.

Yu Gong, the Jiang family is the one she will deal with next, and she will not be happy to see the union of two fourth-tier warriors.

In private, Si Chengtian was a little different to her, and she didn't want to see him involved in this matter.

Although Si Chengtian doesn't seem to have this idea yet.

But if Cangxuan really did something, Jiang Jianmin might not be able to persuade Si Chengtian by then. After all, whether the superiors cooperate depends on the interests, and Si Chengtian and the Jiang family have no enmity now.

Looks like she still has to do something.

Suddenly, Quan Jiayun stopped tapping his fingers on the table.

Her eyes sank slightly, and then she tore off the mask on her face, and then slightly changed the facial bones. Immediately, a handsome face that belonged to Jiang Shanxue appeared, even better than Jiang Ce's.

With her current men's clothing and figure, it is the most suitable.

Quan Jiayun immediately turned on the communicator and dialed Si Chengtian's communicator.

However, Si Chengtian did not wear the communicator on his wrist at this time, and Si Chengtian was sitting in the red blood pool with his upper body bare.

He bowed his head, breathing heavily through his nostrils.

A handsome and paralyzed face with no expression, half of it is normal, and the other half is not normal.

On this half of the face, light golden scales with very beautiful color and texture have grown, and some places are even trying to grow out of the flesh.

And the usually dark black pupils are constantly changing between black and pale gold.

Such a change in appearance made him, who is used to being aloof and abstinent, feel a little more strange.

He gritted his teeth, clenched his fist, and his fist made a rattling sound.

Like a ferocious beast that is about to erupt, it carries a terrifying and frightening aura.

If anyone here can see it.

At this time, Si Chengtian's hands were bound here by the strongest handcuffs, and at the same time, not only his face, but also some pale golden scales grew on his chest, his shoulder blades, and his neck.

Because it hasn't fully grown, these scales with beautiful textures match the flesh body, and the visual impact is even more shocking.

Quan Jiayun called once, but seeing no one answered, he frowned slightly.

Did Si Chengtian refuse to answer the call because of an unfamiliar call?Quan Jiayun thought for a while, and then broke into Adjutant Han's communicator.

Seeing the communicator ringing, Han Shaoqin immediately clicked on it.

At first glance, the number that had never been contacted came from the East China base.

Han Shaoqin narrowed his eyes.

Isn't this a call from the Jiang family?

In an instant, Han Shaoqin wanted to hang up.

But after a pause, Han Shaoqin still connected.

Because this may not belong to the Jiang family, it would be bad if he missed an important call.

As soon as the call was connected, Jiang Shanxue's handsome face somewhat similar to Quan Jiayun's appeared in Han Shaoqin's field of vision. Han Shaoqin looked at this face with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Jiangshan blood?"

Quan Jiayun looked at Han Shaoqin's familiar face, smiled slightly, and said politely: "I didn't expect Adjutant Han to recognize this face, it's really an honor."

 There was a power outage in the area, and I came very late at night. I only had time to write an update. I don’t know if it will be made up tomorrow. I dare not guarantee that I can get more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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