The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1493 Hallucination 23 Things

Chapter 1493 Hallucinations

As soon as Su Chang's arm was stretched out, Quan Jiayun hooked the man's neck, and stuck to it. Immediately, the two of them became intimate in front of Si Chengtian.

Seeing this scene, Si Chengtian was completely immersed in anger. His pupils were constantly changing between black and pale gold.

At this time, his pupils were covered with a layer of blood red light, making him look even more terrifying.

He looked at the man whose face could not be seen clearly, all the blood in his body rushed to his head, and his whole body was extremely hot.

who is it!

Who is doing this to Quan Jiayun! !

Si Chengtian angrily wanted to tear that man away.

But he couldn't move, he could only pump his muscles, exuding blood and struggling even harder.

With bloodshot eyes, he shouted like a beast: "Stop."

"Stop me!!"

Si Chengtian's stop was useless, the two of them seemed not to have heard it.

The man turned a deaf ear to it, and instead made a further excessive move.

Seeing Quan Jiayun's half-exposed skin.

The blue veins on Si Chengtian's forehead were even more bulging.

He shouted angrily: "I said, stop it, do you hear me!!"

An unprecedented murderous intent rose from Si Chengtian's heart.

However, facing such a threat, the man still didn't stop, but went too far. Facing the man's excessive behavior, Quan Jiayun didn't refuse at all.

She embraced the handsome man with both hands, but said with a low smile: "Don't stop this time."

This scene stimulated Si Chengtian to the extreme.

Do not!
She is his.

Only he can see her like this.

Only he can! !

The fire of anger burned Si Chengtian to the extreme.

"Do not."

Accompanied by this astonishing roar, the whole room felt like an earthquake.

Si Chengtian's whole body in the blood pool was shining with golden light, and the unfinished scales on his body were like the sprouting of young leaves after the spring rain, and they were formed one after another at this moment, one after another.

At the same time, two beautiful horns protruded abruptly from his forehead.

At this moment, there was a cracking sound at the same time, and the steel binding Si Chengtian's hands exploded to pieces in an instant.

The moment the steel broke, Si Chengtian swooped down, his figure approached like a phantom, and at the same time, his hand with sharp nails grabbed the man's head and pulled it hard.

Click, the man's head was twisted off by him.

The head rolled down, and Si Chengtian saw that face clearly.

That face was none other than Si Chengtian's own face.

The moment he saw this face clearly, Si Chengtian's brain seemed to be poured by a basin of cold water, waking up all his sanity. He blinked, and quickly looked sideways at Quan Jiayun.

However, there is no shadow of Quan Jiayun next to the blood pool.

He looked down here again, and the person whose head was twisted was gone.

At this moment, God Si Cheng didn't understand anything.

That man was a shadow in his heart.

A meanness is not the shadow of a gentleman.

And through this imaginary picture, he was stimulated.

While his heart was pounding, Si Chengtian lay down beside the pool of blood and gasped for breath.

At this time, Han Shaoqin rushed in quickly after hearing the shock just now.

Seeing the beautiful humanoid creature in the blood pool with pale golden scales, horns, fleshy wings on its back, and a long tail floating in the blood pool.

Han Shaoqin's pupils and mouth widened instantly.

He could hardly believe his eyes.

He couldn't hide the shock on his face, and with a bit of disbelief, he called out slowly: "General?"

(End of this chapter)

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