The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1512 General and so on

Chapter 1512 General and so on
Accompanied by the words Sha Wu'an, Si Chengtian stomped down again.

The power of this foot was like a heavy mountain smashing hard on Tian Xingyuan's body. With the sound of the bones in his chest and abdomen being crushed, Tian Xingyuan's body sank a little further.


Tian Xingyuan spat out another mouthful of thick blood.

Of course, for a monk, such an injury is not an incurable injury.

The matter of two high-grade pills.

But Tian Xingyuan's face and pupils still puffed up in horror.

Because he heard the sound of the golden core in his dantian being cracked and cracked, he ignored the pain in his chest and abdomen, and quickly used his spiritual consciousness to go to his inner consciousness in his dantian.

With this knowledge, he saw that his originally perfect yellow core had several cracks on it.

see this scene.

Tian Xingyuan's eyes were about to burst, and he almost wanted to vomit blood again.

Although the pill he formed has not been broken, but with such a crack, it will take a lot of time to repair it, and before repairing these cracks, his cultivation base will not improve by an inch.

Knowing this, Tian Xingyuan was trembling all over.

He clenched his fists, put away his spiritual consciousness, and slowly raised his eyelids to look at Si Chengtian's back.

At this time, Si Chengtian put his feet away, landed on the ground, and walked over to the banquet.

On the side of the banquet, hundreds of strong men standing on the heights of the southwest base opened their eyes, looked at Si Chengtian who was walking towards this side step by step, and then looked at the human-shaped pothole, completely speechless from shock Here comes the word.

Strong, too strong! ! !
Sure enough, he is indeed the strongest player in the Southwest Base.

This is a full blown attack.

Moreover, General Si didn't use any weapons except his hands and his body.

No matter how much magical powers the opponent has, no matter how strong they are.

They are all broken with one punch and one palm.

There are no tricks.

This is obviously the effect of the rumored body-refining martial artist after he has achieved great success.

Break through all methods with one force! !
No matter how strong the opponent's magical powers are, they can't hurt General Si's fur at all, because the physical body is stronger, and the opponent's magical powers are like scratching an itch.

If we say that a few days ago, Cangxuan's prestige in this world made many warriors feel the fear of monks and fear him.

So tonight's Si Chengtian gave warriors new hope.

It turns out that monks are not invincible.

As long as the body-refining martial artist is strong enough, then he can still hang and beat the monk! !
All the warriors were extremely excited, and looked at this handsome and extraordinary man with great admiration, especially those soldiers under Si Chengtian's banner, their gazes were even more like looking at gods.

Someone murmured subtly: "After today, the prestige of General Si will shake the world even more."

When Si Chengtian approached, no words were spoken, and everyone bowed their heads to express their respect for Si Chengtian.

Si Chengtian glanced at everyone indifferently, and said in a low voice, "Go on."

As he said that, he walked outside, Han Shaoqin and others quickly followed Si Chengtian's pace and followed behind him.

At this time, a silver bell rang.

"General, wait."

Hearing the sound, everyone's eyelids were lifted, and then the purple butterfly shadow flickered under everyone's vision, and they smelled an extremely confusing fragrance.

Looking again, I saw a charming beauty in a purple elegant Hanfu in the flower garden next to Si Chengtian's front. She just stood on top of the flowers, but the flowers didn't fold down a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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