The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1514 This Vixen

Chapter 1514 This Vixen

The girls were in a hurry.

What do you mean, General Si was really seduced, right? !

At this moment, they noticed that there was a flowerbed behind the woman.I don't know when there were more glowing fireflies. These fireflies slowly came from among the flowers and danced around the woman's skirt, which can be said to set off the beauty of the woman like a dream.

General Si seemed to be staring at this.

Many women secretly gritted their teeth angrily.

This vixen! !

There are so many tricks.

Contrived to death.

When Tu Wuyue saw that Si Chengtian's feet hadn't moved, the corners of Tu Wuyue's mouth turned up.

No matter how cold and abstinent, what's the point?To be honest, in her eyes, there is no man who can't be seduced, only women who don't work hard, especially men who have tried something new, so it's better to play with applause,

Tu Wuyue's eyes flickered for a moment, and she said with a smile: "Well, it seems that General Si doesn't like this flower, so let's just let it go."

Speaking of which, she straightened up and took the initiative to fold the flowers, then lightly jumped off the flowers with her toes, pulled a meter closer to Si Chengtian, looked at Si Chengtian and said, "General Si."

With that cry, she realized that Si Chengtian's eyes were not focused on her face, but behind her.

Tu Wuyue's eyes moved, and she immediately understood.

She hooked her fingers, and immediately, fireflies flying around her skirt flew to her fingertips in clusters, gradually forming the shape of a knife.

Holding the knife in his hand, Tu Wuyue looked at Si Chengtian and said, "It's a small spell that made General Si laugh."

Si Chengtian had already recovered from that momentary trance, he glanced at the woman in front of him, who was full of makeup, frowned slightly, and replied coldly: "Please teach others."

After finishing speaking, Si Chengtian glanced at the firefly again, and then took another step.

As soon as he left, the others glanced at Tu Wuyue and quickly followed.

Tu Wuyue naturally didn't do the thing of stalking and stalking, because the trick to seduce a man like that is too bad.

Looking at the backs of Si Chengtian and the others, Tu Wuyue waved his hand, spilling the juice that fireflies love, and said with a smile: "Since General Si is in a hurry to leave, let them give the general a ride. I look forward to seeing you next time." This time I can get the advice of General Si."

During the speech, the group of fireflies chased after Si Chengtian and the others, illuminating their way forward.

Looking at this scene, everyone's eyes were different.

The man sighs.

Women are disgusted.

Tu Wuyue raised the corners of her lips, brushed her two fingers over her wind-blown hair, and looked away with a bewitching smile.

This time, Si Chengtian will definitely be impressed.

Because looking at Si Chengtian's appearance, he clearly cared about those fireflies.

On this point, judging from the way she has been watching her face for so many years, she will never be mistaken.

So she did it in the end.

No matter why Si Chengtian cared.

The next time I see these fireflies, I will definitely think of her.

Tu Wuyue smiled, accepted those women's angry gazes calmly, without any embarrassment of being rejected, and returned to where she was sitting before.


On the other side, Si Chengtian looked at the following fireflies, raised his eyes, and then looked to the front side, with nostalgia and thoughts in his dark pupils.

That direction is exactly the direction where the Snake Cave Cave is located.

It was also the place where he and her had been intimate for a day before.

(End of this chapter)

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