The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1524 Not the Jiang Family

Chapter 1524 Not the Jiang Family
Shu Leying couldn't help tightening her hands when her daughter pressed her again. She 'looked' at her daughter's swearing not to give up until she got an answer, and then thought of her daughter going to the Jiang family to pretend to be the young master of the Jiang family.

Only then did Shu Leying, who had recovered from the surprise of the reunion, realized that her daughter seemed to be no longer the little girl she remembered.

My daughter has become much stronger.

It seems that he is also a foundation-building monk.

However, regardless of whether the daughter has grown into an adult or not.

For Shu Leying, this is still the daughter she wants to protect.

Especially the lost daughter who has not been seen for 30 years.

Therefore, Shu Leying no longer wants her daughter to be harmed in the slightest, and she does not want her daughter to take risks because of it.

Shu Leying's eyes flickered, she shook her head and said, "It's not the Jiang family, you made a mistake."

She said, holding her daughter's hand, and asked nervously: "Did you just go to Jiang's house to pretend to be that young master just because you heard some rumors?"

Quan Jiayun looked at his mother and said, "Yes, I went to Jiang's house to find out about you."

Shu Leying heard what she said, and hurriedly said: "Mom told you, there is no such thing, we don't know the Jiang family, we were injured in the wilderness area, and it has nothing to do with the Jiang family, don't be impulsive What are you doing stupidly?"

Quan Jiayun looked at his mother's desperate appearance, and there was still something she didn't understand. There was no need to ask about the details of the year. It was obvious that all the injuries on her mother were brought by the Jiang family.

With her mother's temperament, if it really wasn't done by the Jiang family, she wouldn't say that.

When my mother said this, she was obviously afraid of the strength of the Jiang family, and she was afraid that she would be hurt for revenge.

Quan Jiayun's eyes flickered for a moment, he patted his mother's hand lightly and said, "Okay, I get it, I won't do anything stupid."

Quan Jiayun said that he took out the magic spirit flower that has the effect of prolonging life.

At the beginning, there were three plants of this flower, and she took one of them, and she prepared the remaining two plants for her parents.

So, at this moment, she immediately took it out and handed it to her mother.

"Mom, you take this, rest first, I'll go and bring Dad back."

Shu Leying 'looked' at this flower whose petals were as transparent and white as ice crystals, with a little red in the center, and smelled the strong and exciting smell emanating from the flower, and immediately knew that this flower must be very precious and extraordinary.

She has also handled many spiritual flowers and elixir, but she has never seen such a grade.

Shu Leying raised her head subconsciously and looked at her daughter.


Quan Jiayun said: "Quickly take it."

As she spoke, she tore off the petals and stuffed them between her mother's lips. Shu Leying had no choice but to open her mouth.

Quan Jiayun straightened up, handed the rest of the stem to Lu Wanwan next to him, and said, "I'll take this boiled juice for my mother, and this one for her to take a bath. I'll talk about the rest when I come back."

After finishing speaking, Quan Jiayun stared at Lu Wanwan and smiled sweetly.

"Junior Sister, I believe that you will do well."

Just as Lu Wanwan was about to answer, she found that those pupils without a trace of warmth did not match that smile at all.

All of a sudden, Lu Wanwan remembered the killing intent shown by this senior sister before.

She trembled, glanced at the teacher's wife who seemed to be unaware, and felt very wronged.

Why did the senior sister treat her like this?

Even if the senior sister is not like this, she will serve the teacher's wife with all her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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