The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1526 Quan Hanyi Was Arrested

Chapter 1526 Quan Hanyi Was Arrested

Quan Jiayun didn't know what happened in the corner of Lanyuezong. At this time, she was on her way, and when she was in a hurry, Si Chengtian's fighter plane was also on the way, not too far from the East China base.

East China base, Jiang family.

Quan Jiayun's father, Quan Hanyi, and Tong Quan Xuesong, whom Quan Jiayun was looking for, were defeated after a battle.

At this moment, they are bound in the execution room of the Jiang family.

The special handcuffs firmly bound Quan Hanyi there, preventing him from moving an inch.

At this time, Quan Hanyi's body was covered with blood, obviously he had been injured a lot in the battle just now.

Sitting in front of Quan Hanyi, Jiang Jianmin looked at Quan Hanyi's face covered with several hideous scars and wearing a false pupil, and said with some emotion: "Brother Hanyi, it's been a while since we said goodbye last time." , It’s been decades, old friends meet, don’t talk about the past, but you want to fight and run without saying anything, now, we can finally talk about the past.”

Quan Hanyi looked at Jiang Jianmin, twitched the corners of his blood-stained mouth, sneered and said, "Reminiscing about the old days, what do we two have to talk about? How did you, a wolf-hearted, ungrateful person, treat your savior with kindness and revenge?" ?"

Jiang Jianmin didn't get angry when he heard such insulting words. He smiled, slid the beads on his hand, and said calmly: "Look at you, how come you are still so angry after more than ten years."

"Yes, yes, you are my savior. I did accept your kindness back then, but I have already paid this debt, haven't I? It is necessary to take care of you more."

"So, how can you say that I will repay my kindness with revenge? In the end, it was just a normal competition. Who wouldn't be moved by rare treasures, don't you think?"

Listening to Jiang Jianmin's shameless remarks, Quan Hanyi stared at him silently.

Jiang Jianmin continued slowly: "I know that the losers in a competition will usually be extremely angry and accuse others without thinking, in an attempt to occupy a moral high ground, so I won't bother with you about this. "

When he said this, he stared at Quan Hanyi and said, "I'm more curious about where you have been hiding all these years, but you are really good at hiding. I haven't found any trace of you all these years. It's not that some well-meaning person quietly notified me that you appeared, I'm afraid I missed you again when you entered the city this time, it's scary, it's really scary."

Quan Hanyi didn't want to talk to Jiang Jianmin, a villain. For him, he was more concerned about his daughter's affairs.

Knowing that his daughter was in the Jiang family disguised as the young master of the Jiang family, Quan Hanyi looked out subconsciously at this moment, expecting to see her appear here, to confirm if it was his daughter.

Jiang Jianmin looked at Quan Hanyi outside, obviously showing that he didn't want to answer him, and turned his voice: "Well, if you don't say this, I won't force you, anyway, now you are in my hands, So let's talk about the matter back to the past, where is the part of the thing that you ran away with? Hand it over."

When Jiang Jianmin asked here, his gaze became much sharper.

Quan Hanyi withdrew his gaze, stared at Jiang Jianmin for a few seconds, then smiled and said, "I want it, okay, you let us go, I'll get it back for you when I go back."

(End of this chapter)

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