Chapter 1528 Close-up

A group of people went to the arena with a mighty group of people.

Here, Quan Jiayun rushed all the way back to the East China Base as fast as he could.

Facing the high city wall, Quan Jiayun didn't stay for a moment, but directly sacrificed the golden light shield, and entered the East China base directly in the state of flying with a sword, against the high-altitude defensive power grid.

Because Quan Jiayun's speed of escaping light was extremely fast, the guards on the high platform couldn't find any abnormalities in the blink of an eye, thinking that they had misread just now.

After entering the East China Base, Quan Jiayun went straight to Tianfeng City with a clear goal.

Because she was carrying the identity of Jiang Ce, the young master of the Jiang family, then her father would definitely go to Tianfeng City if her father came to look for her. After all, this is the home of the Jiang family.

Quan Jiayun quickly reached Tianfeng City in a few minutes of extreme time in the evasion technique like streamer.

After arriving at Tianfeng City, Quan Jiayun landed on the ground, and immediately spread out his spiritual consciousness.

Before she looked carefully at the faces one by one to find out where her father was, suddenly, a big stall not far from where she was sitting, drinking and eating, chatting with the crowd immediately caught her attention. .

At the moment, Quan Jiayun kept his spiritual consciousness here and stared at this group of people.

These low-level warriors did not notice that they were locked by other people's consciousness.

A group of people sat around the table, drinking wine, and continued talking about the previous topic.

"I'm really not bragging to you. The scene was really big enough. It's a pity that you didn't see that scene in the outer city before. The beating was earth-shattering. Several houses over there were knocked down."

"Is it really that powerful? Is there a picture of the general of the Southwest Base and the deputy leader of the Cultivation League? By the way, do you know this news?"

"How can you not know about such a big thing? I saw it when I passed it on before, but as I said, this battle here is not much different from the one with General Si, and it may be a little bit more powerful. You must know this There are two monks on the side, but these two monks can't do it together, they are not the opponent of the Patriarch of the Jiang family at all, under the power of the Patriarch of the Jiang family, they were quickly captured."

"Of course, the Patriarch of the Jiang family is a Tier [-] martial artist. His physical strength can be said to be as strong as an iron wall. No matter what magical powers these monks have, they can't hurt at all. How can a monk win, of course he loses."

"Say, what are the identities of these two monks, how did they get involved with the Jiang family, they are so overconfident."

"I don't know, but I heard that the Jiang family blocked them directly, and then started the battle. In short, they lost and were captured in a short time, and now they seem to be taken to the arena by the Jiang family for fun. It spread, but unfortunately I am not high enough, otherwise I would also like to go to the scene to join in the fun."

"It's okay, the live broadcast will start soon, and it will be the same when watching the live broadcast."

"Here, come, look, these two monks."

The store placed it on the large public screen outside, and it projected a picture of Quan Hanyi and Quan Xuesong being pressed down on the arena.

The camera gave the two of them a big close-up.

In the close-up, both of them are covered in blood-stained dirt, and their clothes are tattered. They don't have the elegant appearance of the monks that everyone has seen before. It can be seen that the two of them have obviously suffered a lot. up.

(End of this chapter)

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