The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1530 1 kill in 1 step

Chapter 1530
The faces of all the guards changed.

In front of the other party's method of killing people with a flick of a finger, they immediately knew that they might not be able to stop it with their abilities.

They didn't try to be brave, and quickly dispersed and ran back.

After all, compared to protecting the Jiang family, his own life is more important.

Quan Jiayun didn't chase them down either.

Because she was going to kill the Jiang family, her figure flickered, and she ran straight inside like a ghost.

A second-generation child of the Jiang family who got the news was the first to rush out with his people. This person was standing beside Jiang Mingxuan, who had run on Quan Jiayun, Jiang Mingxuan's half-brother.

Before they could say anything threatening, Quan Jiayun threw himself in front of him without saying a word, and punched him out.

This punch didn't have the power of a martial artist that was as strong as a few hills.

However, Quan Jiayun's fist used enough spiritual power to arouse the power of wind around her, so a spiral like an awl was blown in front of her fist.


A punch on the man's chest and abdomen directly opened a big hole in his second-tier body, smashing the heart inside.

With blood splattered everywhere, the young man died before he could even utter a scream.

The people who followed were shocked when they saw the young master lying in a pool of blood.

Suddenly, a loud voice rang out in everyone's ears.

"Mice, how dare you hurt my son!! I will tear you apart."

At this moment, a figure approached from a distance in an instant.

This person is obviously Jiang Mingxuan's father, Jiang Yiran, and also the father of the dead man.

The moment his eyes exploded, he came forward, and a hand with bulging veins grabbed Quan Jiayun's neck. Quan Jiayun's figure turned ghostly, and he struck out with a palm, and the third-tier warrior immediately fell down.

Of course, it wasn't that Quan Jiayun's icy palm suddenly took effect, but that Quan Jiayun used her Xinghe sword to attack directly from the back of the vest when the opponent's attention was focused on this side.

A sword pierced into the heart, but failed to kill Jiang Yiran.

Before the other party was struggling, Quan Jiayun grabbed the sword and swung it down one after another. In an instant, this Tier [-] martial artist, who was said to be extremely physically strong, was divided into several pieces by Quan Jiayun.

The people next to him were completely dumbfounded.

What kind of person is this! !

Tier [-] warrior.

It killed him in just one move.

Horror, too scary! !

Who can be the opponent, I am afraid that only the patriarch who is a fourth-order warrior.

In the shock of scalp numbness, no one dared to step forward, and they all fled in all directions.

At this time, Jiang Jianmin, who was far away from the arena, also received the news from this side, and his expression changed and he stood up.

"What? Someone broke into Jiang's house!!"

Who ate the bear heart and leopard gall! !
"Who is a monk?"

Jiang Jianmin immediately suspected that it had something to do with Quan Hanyi.

However, the answer that day was not a monk.

He frowned.

"Warriors, or warriors from the southwest base?"

"Since you are a warrior, can't you stop a Tier [-] warrior? What a waste!!"

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon."

When he was leaving, Jiang Jianmin glanced at the people on the field, and said to his sons and daughters: "Take care of the two of them, and let them experience the greatest humiliation and pain. Even if Quan Hanyi is willing to speak, he must torture them." Let them understand that the prestige of our Jiang family cannot be offended."



On the side of the Jiang family.

After Quan Jiayun divided Jiang Yiran, he raised his head and looked at the people who were fleeing around. With a wave of his hand, a sword flew out, piercing through the air and directly cutting off the head of another person surnamed Jiang.

(End of this chapter)

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