The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1548 Shocking the Pill

Chapter 1548 Shocking the Pill
Hearing Han Shaoqin's anxious voice, Si Chengtian didn't move or answer, his dark eyes just focused on this extremely dangerous scene, and he clenched his fists secretly.

How he didn't want to go to help.

But he knew that Quan Jiayun was different from other weak girls, she would never expect to be rescued by a hero, this was what he figured out based on his getting along with her.

And since she dared to do this, there must be something behind her.

So cunning of her.

He didn't believe that she dared to provoke a Tier [-] warrior like this without any back tricks.

Therefore, even if Si Chengtian was nervous and anxious, he was still willing to believe in her ability.

Instead of rashly standing up for her.

Sure enough, before Jiang Jianmin's claws caught Quan Jiayun's body, a huge black stone suddenly appeared in front of Quan Jiayun.

As soon as the black stone appeared, it exploded so that the bottom directly crushed all the floors below and smashed heavily on the ground, while the top directly broke the entire zenith, like a huge star stone suddenly appeared.

The mountain shook instantly, like an earthquake shaking.

Those warriors who had already ran out of the arena because of the previous movement, watched this scene from a distance, their eyes widened in horror.

In the next second, they ran away again without looking back, like a mighty army.

Looking at the shining black stone, Jiang Jianmin was not timid. After the previous fights, he already had full confidence in this battle, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"Use this to block me."

He changed his claws into fists in the middle of his words, and he punched hard on the black stone.

However, this punch is enough to smash a large building, hit the huge black stone, just make the black stone shake, let alone break the black stone, there is not even a small concave mark on the surface of the black stone.

On the contrary, his fist felt a little painful from being bounced back.

Jiang Jianmin's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the huge black stone with a sense of horror in his heart.

What is this?
Why is it so hard?
This is naturally Quan Jiayun's small world, the small world is originally a magic weapon made of meteorites.

In the category of Dao artifacts, the Dongtian magic weapon is almost at the same level as the Houtian Lingbao, so how can Jiang Jianmin, a fourth-level warrior, be able to break it.

After Jiang Jianmin was shocked, he didn't believe that he couldn't shake the stone at all.

Once again, he punched more than a dozen punches in succession, these dozen punches finally shook the stone, not just shaking it.

But it only moved back a few tens of centimeters.

The reason for this is that the small world is pressing on the land with the power of a world, and it is really not easy for Jiang Jianmin to shake such a position.

Seeing that there was no immediate effect, Jiang Jianmin shouted loudly, stepped on the black stone in an instant, stepped on the boulder at a rapid speed, and wanted to go around behind, giving Jiang Shanxue a heavy blow.

Just when Jiang Jianmin was about to bypass the huge black stone.

Quan Jiayun has already completed the preparatory work in this short period of time.

At this moment, the huge five-color spiritual sea in her dantian completely boiled at this moment.

With the boiling, a tiny vortex suddenly appeared in the center of her dantian, and this vortex instantly became larger, and all the surrounding spiritual seas began to spin rapidly with this vortex, trying to gather all towards the center.

This is obviously Quan Jiayun mobilizing the spiritual power in his body, choosing to attack the alchemy here and now.

Because she is in the realm of foundation establishment, she is ready to attack the alchemy at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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