Chapter 1550
However, although the five departments are the slowest and most difficult to cultivate, as long as they can really succeed, then the monks of the five departments are the masters of the same realm.

Such monks are always superior to others.

In the realm of Qi refining, monks of the five departments in the Qi refining stage can crush the cultivation of Qi refining in the same realm.

The foundation building realm can crush the foundation building.

The golden core realm can crush the golden core, and so on, the five systems will always be the overlord of the same realm.

Today's Heaven-Defying Cultivation appeared at this time.

Therefore, all the cultivators couldn't believe it.

You must know that such monks are very rare in the records of ancient books. There are about a dozen of them. Not an inch in.

How is it possible now.

Probably more than three series.

While all the cultivators were short of breath, someone said: "The direction of the transmission seems to be from the arena. This person may be the Jiang Shanxue who fought with Jiang Jianmin. I'll go and have a look."

"I'll go as well."

In an instant, several streamers of light came towards this side.


On the arena side, Jiang Jianmin suddenly thought of a situation after being stunned for a moment.

Could it be that the other party wants to use Heavenly Tribulation to deal with him! !
He suddenly looked down at Jiang Shanxue.

Looking at it, Jiang Shanxue just saw Jiang Shanxue lift his eyelids, revealing those smiling and evil eyes.

Jiang Jianmin didn't understand why, he stared at Jiang Shanxue and shouted, "You're crazy!!"

Quan Jiayun looked at him whose expression had changed, and laughed so that all sentient beings were confused: "Why am I crazy?"

"You lunatic, go to die yourself, don't even try to drag this deity into the water."

Jiang Jianmin didn't have the mood to talk to the other party anymore, so he fled out quickly.

Because the calamity cloud from the sky made him faintly startled, even if he had already passed the fourth level, he did not have the confidence to withstand such a catastrophe again, and the last time he advanced to the catastrophe, he was quite lucky up.

He didn't want to try it again.

However, there is nowhere else for him to go.

When he was in a daze for a while, he had already missed the best time to leave.

At this time, with the louder thunder, the thunderclouds in the sky were completely formed, blue arcs fell from the thunderclouds, and their targets were concentrated on Quan Jiayun below.

At this moment, the coercion of Heavenly Tribulation was unprecedentedly strong.

The area of ​​tens of miles around the arena seems to be completely divided, like the formation of an enchantment.

This enchantment can be said to be Heaven's protection for the alchemist, or it can be said that it traps the alchemist in one place, so that the opponent has nowhere to escape, and can only be detained in one place to receive punishment.

The two-finger-thick electric arcs in the air were densely packed, and when they hit Quan Jiayun's head, the huge black stone in front of Quan Jiayun suddenly shrank, and flew to the top of Quan Jiayun's head to bear the arcs for her.

In an instant, the electric arc hit the black stone, splashing an electromagnetic sound, which was instantly digested.

Quan Jiayun, who was under the small world, was unscathed.

Just like this, Quan Jiayun held the best defensive magic weapon of the small world, and chased Jiang Jianmin with a smile.

"What are you running from? What is there to run away from?"

As a result, everyone who had already fled far away and escaped from the range of the enchantment saw such a picture.

Jiang Jianmin ran wildly in front, and Jiang Shanxue chased after him.

Suddenly the situation was completely reversed.

Both of them were shrouded in dense thunder and lightning, because the range of more than ten feet around Quan Jiayun belonged to the lightning space, this scene can be said to be quite shocking, making people's scalp numb.

(End of this chapter)

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