Chapter 1562
But when Si Chengtian looked at Quan Jiayun, who was not at all good-looking, he didn't feel disgusted in his eyes. Instead, his heart was completely agitated. He could only do what he could to make her feel better.

Long Xiao, who was eating snacks to ward off physical discomfort, saw Quan Jiayun become like this, and his heart skipped a beat. If he was in human form at this time, he would definitely speak up.

Damn woman, don't really play it off! !

If there were other high-level monks watching Quan Jiayun's advancement at close range, they would definitely say that this person is a lunatic, and no one has ever dared to take so many demon pills like her.

She is not afraid of dying.

This is simply an act of death.

Just when Quan Jiayun's body was showing signs of collapse, Quan Jiayun's eyes of divine consciousness showed madness and stubbornness.

Give her condense! ! !
When this idea completely exploded, Quan Jiayun unreservedly ignited the vitality in her body, and completely integrated her life vitality into it.

It's astonishingly treating his body as a container.

Just like the pill furnace for alchemy.

Suddenly, the vortex in the center of Quan Jiayun's dantian became bigger, and other spiritual powers were quickly condensed into a thicker liquid after approaching this vortex.At the same time, this time, Quan Jiayun didn't intend to completely follow the differentiation mentioned in the exercise to congeal the pill.

She's never been exactly the type to follow the rules.

Since the five elements generate and restrain each other, they can turn into chaos in the end, why can't they be combined into a pill! !
The exercises are created by the predecessors.

Future generations will naturally change because of themselves.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun changed his actions when he stopped and stopped.

In this high-speed rotating vortex, the blue water spiritual power blends with the green wood spiritual power, and at the same time the green wood spiritual power blends and transforms into the red fire spiritual power, and then the red fire spiritual power transforms into the yellow earth spiritual power blend transformation...

During the meeting of the five tigers, Quan Jiayun's dantian was radiant and beautiful.

When Quan Jiayun's figure gradually returned to normal, and all the spiritual power entered the dantian, rushing towards the middle, gradually forming a five-color elixir, after a night of light in the sky, a large number of thunderclouds began again Gathering together, the sky that had just released a glimmer of light will be darkened again.

The people resting everywhere were awakened by the sound of thunder and lightning. They opened the window again, walked out the door, and looked up to the sky. Some people who did not leave, this will be even more eye-catching.

I'm coming! !

The first wave of tribulation thunder suddenly descended.

This time it was even stronger than last night. .

Quan Jiayun suddenly opened her eyes, she glanced at Lei Jie under the sky, and said two words coldly without looking at the person and beast beside her.

"Get out of the way."

Amidst the sound of getting out of the way, Quan Jiayun's small world floated above her head again, while she closed her eyes and continued to melt the alchemy with all her heart.

At this time, the five-color pill in her dantian had been compressed to the size of a fist.

But it hasn't fully solidified yet, and it's about to collapse at any time.

From time to time, Quan Jiayun led a trace of lightning into his body, and used it to baptize and solidify the five-color pill, but obviously, without the help of medicine, pure spiritual power alone was not enough to do so.

The first three steps of cultivating immortality.

Refining Qi, building foundations, forming alchemy.

These three realms.

Refining qi is just to inhale spiritual energy into the body, and the qi still belongs to the appearance of gas.

Building the foundation is to gather this gas into rivers and seas.

Forming pills is not just a quantitative change, but a qualitative leap.

(End of this chapter)

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