The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1564 Of course it succeeded

Chapter 1564 Of course it succeeded

Amidst the doubts of countless people, they saw that in the sky where the vision was dispersed, there was a mass of light emitting five colors in all directions. It existed there, bright and eye-catching, just like the sun rising this morning.

Although the martial artist's eyesight has been strengthened due to body training, but because monks do not have spiritual eyes, their eyes can't penetrate the dazzling five-color light to reach inside, so they don't know that there is only a pill inside.

They thought Jiang Shan's blood was in it.

So, seeing this mass of five-color glows, they opened their eyes wide one by two, trying to see clearly inside.

Under the attention of all the people below, Quan Jiayun's soul consciousness slowly opened his 'eyes' and looked towards the world.

She saw Si Chengtian holding her body, Long Xiao, and countless people looking up to her.

Quan Jiayun's mind moved slightly, and in an instant, everything within a radius of a thousand feet was instantly revealed in front of her.

This is several times higher than the distance she could 'see' with her previous consciousness.

Even when she raised her eyes, she could not only see the aura and pollutants in the air, she could also see things at another level, which were the tiny moving cracks in the void.

This is something Quan Jiayun couldn't see the last time he formed a pill.

Although Quan Jiayun hadn't seen it before, the moment he saw it, Quan Jiayun knew what it was.

This is also a kind of space crack, but this kind of crack is harmless to living beings and will not swallow people into it. Usually, ordinary people can't see it.

This is another level of space.

The reason why the monks in the Nascent Soul stage can teleport instantly is because the Nascent Soul monks can see these cracks, and can jump from this point to another crack node through such crack nodes.

This point is the same as the space formation method.

It's just that even if she knew such a space formation before, she couldn't see the nodes by herself.

Unexpectedly, this time she formed a pill, she could 'see' such a node in advance. It seems that this Chaos Supreme Sutra is really extraordinary. Quan Jiayun has a feeling that at this moment, in the area covered by her divine sense, her heart You can jump to any place you want.

It's the same as she was in Small World.

This feeling is great! !

Moreover, Quan Jiayun could feel that her pill had been baptized by Jin Lei, and it contained a thunderous intent that would destroy the world.

That is to say, in the future, she will get twice the result with half the effort when she casts lightning spells.

Quan Jiayun was delighted.

Although the process of forming the alchemy this time is very dangerous, even if there is a slight difference, today's result may have changed.

However, it turns out she still won.

In the next second, the five-color pill that contained Quan Jiayun's soul fell from the sky and went straight to Quan Jiayun's body. Although she forcibly fused the soul with the pill, she did not conceive a baby after all. The soul cannot leave the body for too long.

Facing the rushing pill shape, Si Chengtian, who was holding Quan Jiayun, opened Quan Jiayun's mouth with his hands. Immediately, the golden pill entered Quan Jiayun without hindrance, and flowed down his throat. Next, return to the position of Dantian.

When Quan Jiayun's spirit returned to her body, in an instant, her whole body radiated bright light, and a huge force shook all around, so that Si Chengtian, who was closest to him, couldn't help but let go of his hand and took two steps back.

Quan Jiayun was floating an inch off the ground, her clothes and hair were still and there was no wind, and her body began to change.

(End of this chapter)

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