The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1578 Everyone Gathers

Chapter 1578 Everyone Gathers
However, people from Jiang Jianmin's clan came after Quan Hanyi and his wife, but they could not find any trace of them, so they settled down in the East China base.

Knowing the cause and effect, Quan Jiayun naturally did not intend to blame Quan Xuesong.

This child is pretty good, at least he can still keep the news when she is so inquisitive about his parents.

Quan Jiayun didn't continue to say anything.

Although there is still why Jiang Jianmin's family is so ignorant of her parents' entanglement.

But now, this matter has to be put on hold for a while, because the sect of Lanyue Sect is close at hand.

"We're here, let's go out."

Speaking of which, Quan Jiayun took the two of them out of the small world.

As soon as they left the small world, the three of them fled to the front of the sect each stepping on a sword.

Because both Quan Hanyi and Quan Xuesong had the protection token of the Moon Lane Sect, they entered the range of the Moon Lane Sect's formation without anyone passing it on.

Once inside, the three of them went straight to their residence here.

The monk who was irrigating the spiritual field in the early morning saw the light coming in, and raised his head to greet his fellow disciples easily, but the light passed away in the blink of an eye.

They couldn't help being surprised.

That seems to be the shadow of Uncle Quan?

Doesn't that mean that the person next to him will be his daughter?

Their eyes lit up instantly.

Because they have all heard about the incident of someone breaking into the formation last night.

Several monks in this compartment were excited.

On the other side, Quan Hanyi was the first to scream as soon as he landed.

"Le Ying."

However, he usually heard voices, and his wife who came out to greet him soon did not appear.

Quan Hanyi called Wan Wan again, but still no one answered.

The faces of the three of them darkened at the moment, because the rooms here are equipped with formations to shield the consciousness, the three of them quickly checked all the rooms, but they still couldn't find anyone.

Quan Hanyi's heart sank to the bottom in an instant, but he still didn't want to think about the worst. He said in a deep voice, "I'll go and see elsewhere."

Quan Jiayun said, "No need."

At that moment, Quan Jiayun's body rose into the air, and his spiritual consciousness enveloped the entire area of ​​Lan Yuezong, and he said aloud: "Is Junior Sister Lu Wanwan here? Is Junior Sister Lu Wanwan here? Come out."

Even if the room has an array that shields the consciousness, such pressure and sound are enough to penetrate in.

Everyone in Lan Yuezong heard Quan Jiayun's voice clearly.

They were startled and walked out of the room.

He looked at the figure in the sky in amazement.

That is?

When many monks looked up at the sky, Quan Jiayun also quickly glanced at every face in an instant, but among these faces, there was no one Quan Jiayun wanted to see.

Quan Jiayun immediately looked at Gu Yinian who came out of the highest place, and said to him alone: ​​"Sovereign Gu, please follow the power urgently, please cooperate, my mother and junior sister are missing, please tell your disciples, let me know." All of them must go to the Grand Place to assemble at once."

Hearing this, Gu Yinian looked at Quan Jiayun with a twinkle in his eyes.

Her mother is missing?

How can it be?

Although he thought it was impossible, seeing her murderous look, Gu Yinian didn't want to argue with her, so he immediately told the doorman: "Everyone go to the big square to gather immediately."

Although the people from Lanyue Sect didn't know why, they immediately followed suit.

Soon, Quan Jiayun and his father stood on the right side of the square, looking at the [-] or [-] monks present in the square, and asked his father, "Are all the people in Lanyue Sect here?"

(End of this chapter)

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