Chapter 1582 Lu Wanwan

But yes, he has made so many detours on purpose, and left traces in other directions. If Jiang Shanxue can still track him, it will be a strange thing every day.

As soon as he felt relaxed, Liu Feizhi then ordered: "Okay, stop and rest for 5 minutes."

There was no respite for this rapid journey, and two waves of empty birds were encountered, and the consciousness and spiritual power were always in a state of tension without rest.

Now that it is confirmed that Jiang Shanxue will not catch up, Liu Feizhi naturally has to meditate to relieve his fatigue.

Although his two subordinates thought it was not good to stop and rest, they drove the flying sword forward and opened the protective barrier for the two low-level monks, Shu Leying and Lu Wanwan.

It is indeed very tired.

So they didn't have any suggestions for this order either.

At that moment, a group of people stopped at the edge of a stream in a valley. Shu Leying and Lu Wanwan, who were tightly bound by the spirit-binding rope, were thrown on the side of the stone like garbage.

Lu Wanwan's spiritual power and acupoints were blocked, so she couldn't cry out.

She glanced at the teacher's wife who had been hit on the head, bent her body and tried her best to make the teacher's wife's posture more comfortable, and then looked at Liu Fei and the three of them angrily.

Liu Fei, who had taken the Buling Pill and was adjusting his breath, felt Lu Wanwan's gaze, lifted his eyelids, looked at Lu Wanwan coldly and said, "Why, you don't want your eyeballs anymore?"

In a word, the other two people also looked at Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan bit her lip, opened her mouth and said silently with the shape of her lips: "I want to go to the bathroom, let me go, let me go to the bathroom."

Liu Fei understood Lu Wanwan's lip shape, but he didn't mean to let her go.

"Hold on."

Lu Wanwan opened her mouth wider and twisted her body even more vigorously.

"I can't hold it back, I need to poop."

Liu Fei saw her making trouble there, his eyes turned cold, and he wanted to kill Lu Wanwan.

Originally, Lu Wanwan was unnecessary, but it happened that she lived with Shu Leying, so she was brought along in order to prevent her from revealing the news.

Just when Liu Feizhu wanted to kill him.

Shu Leying blocked Lu Wanwan with her body, showing the appearance of completely protecting Lu Wanwan. Of course, this is not because Shu Leying saw the current situation with her spiritual sense.

Her spiritual power was locked at this time, and she couldn't let go of her spiritual sense to see the outside world, but when she heard the words that threatened her eyes, she quickly twisted her body to block it.

Seeing Shu Leying protecting her little apprentice like this, Liu Fei changed his mind again.

How much is left is also a constraint.

Anyway, a little girl in the Qi refining period can't do anything with her.

Liu Fei then waved his hand and said, "Let her go, Xiao Wu, keep an eye on her."


The foundation-building young man named Xiao Wu lifted Lu Wanwan's body, quickly fled to the side, then tore off the rope on Lu Wanwan's body, threw the grass from it and said, "It's here."

Without the spirit rope, Lu Wanwan said, "Go away a little bit, how can I get on you standing here?"

Lin Wuju looked down at Lu Wanwan and said, "I tell you, don't try to play tricks, any tricks are useless now, but once you are discovered, you will never survive."

Lu Wanwan sneered and said, "What tricks can I do with a little Qi-refining practice, go away quickly."

Lin Wu moved a little further away.

Lu Wanwan watched Lin Wu leave, but of course she didn't run. With her speed, she couldn't run away at all. Lu Wanwan took the opportunity to send a signal to go back.

(End of this chapter)

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