The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1588 Take Human Heads

Chapter 1588

Seeing this scene, Liu Feichi finally knew why the other party crushed him.

It turned out to be five series!
Sure enough, their guess that day was correct.

This is really a heaven-defying cultivation of all attributes.

No wonder her catastrophe was so grand last time. This is a peerless figure who can beat five in the rumors. If she has grown to this point, at least in the Golden Core stage, she will not have any opponents.

Liu Fei smiled miserably.

The other party is the strongest five-attribute monk in the Golden Core, and she is only a single-attribute, so how can he be her opponent!

How unlucky he was! !

In such a state of mind, Liu Fei's spirit completely dispersed. Seeing this scene, Quan Jiayun said coldly: "I said that if I want to use you as the main soul, I must use you as the main soul."

Quan Jiayun said that the spiritual power rolled around, and when Liu Fei's spirit was about to disappear inch by inch, he forcibly collected him.

In the distance, the two monks who took the opportunity to escape just now looked back and saw the unscathed Quan Jiayun standing in the broken center, their pupils shrank, their mouths trembled, and they ran desperately again.

Quan Jiayun put away Liu Fei's soul, lifted his eyelids, looked at the two ray of light in the distance, and raised his hand casually.

At that moment, the Xinghe Sword turned into long Xinghe Changhong with vigorous sword energy, and appeared thousands of miles away in a few moments, spinning twice.

Two circles of deep blood lines appeared on the necks of the two monks who were running wildly.

They opened a pair of eyes like copper bells, and their steps slowed down.

next second.

Pfft, the human head rolled down to the ground in the jet of blood spring soaring into the sky, and the next moment, the Xinghe sword with two human heads pierced it had returned to Quan Jiayun's hand.

It is impressive to kill people thousands of miles away, and taking the enemy's head is like taking something out of a bag.

Quan Jiayun looked at the unidentified head on the sword, and put it away without changing her expression, then she shook off the blood stains on the sword, and put the Xinghe sword into her dantian.

After doing all this, Quan Jiayun glanced at the mess around her, and in the next second, her figure flickered and disappeared under this area.

In the small world, Quan Hanyi and the others gathered in the vast hall, worrying about Quan Jiayun.

Seeing Quan Jiayun appearing in the air and falling out of thin air, joy flashed in their eyes, and they rushed towards her immediately.

"Jia Yun."

"Yun'er, are you okay?"

Quan Hanyi screamed eagerly, but his movements were somewhat restrained, while Shu Leying didn't pause at all, eagerly stroking Quan Jiayun's body with his hands to confirm her safety.

Quan Jiayun hadn't enjoyed the care of his parents for a long time.

In Canglan Star, it's like working hard alone.

Everything is taken care of by oneself.

Quan Jiayun's heart warmed up, he supported his mother, looked at her parents who looked at her with concern, smiled and said: "I'm fine, I'm fine."

After confirming that she was really okay, Quan Hanyi's eyes flickered, and he asked, "Where are they?"

They naturally refer to Hall Master Liu and the others.

Quan Jiayun didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "I killed him, huh, the soul of Hall Master Liu and the heads of those two followers."

Seeing the spirit in the glass bottle and the floating bloody human head, the expressions of several people changed, and they looked at the scene in disbelief.

Especially Shu Leying, who was limited by vision problems and only met Quan Jiayun briefly, so she didn't know what her daughter's cultivation level was at all.

Seeing this scene, she was the most frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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