Chapter 1594
Quan Hanyi looked at his wife's eyes, smiled at her and said, "Go ahead, your daughter's heart."

Shu Leying 'looked' back at her daughter and said, "Why don't you keep it for now, in case you need it later."

Quan Jiayun said: "You keep it, I don't need it."

Quan Jiayun forced it into Shu Leying's hands, but Shu Leying couldn't refuse.

"Come on, I'll show you around this fairy palace."

Quan Jiayun took his parents out of the room, took Quan Xuesong and Lu Wanwan outside, and took them as a tour guide to stroll around the fairy palace together.

Although this fairy palace was damaged in many places by the fighting of Pujing.

But it is still a fairy palace with a long history.

Every place inside made them speechless.

Before entering the temple, they were shocked by being in another unimaginable world, but because they were all worried about the situation outside.

Therefore, they did not take a good look at it privately,

Now under the leadership of Quan Jiayun, they only appreciate the splendor of this fairy palace.

Not to mention the sky-like dome.

The lifelike murals around them made them linger endlessly, because these murals painted a world they had never seen before.

There is a vast galaxy map of the universe.

There are strange lands with strange monsters.

There are strange human beings living under the sea.

Quan Jiayun explained: "These are pictures that actually exist on other planets."

The former Shinan Immortal had this hobby, that is, after going to a place, he would paint a picture.

She continued: "However, these paintings are not just as simple as painting. There is also a mystery inside. If you have that understanding, you can understand the law and Tao."

How many people were shocked when they heard the words, can they understand the law and Tao?

Lu Wanwan blinked her eyes, looked at the continuous murals on the wall and said, "Really? Who is the one who painted this painting? It's so powerful."

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "A fairy who has become a fairy is a master I have never seen in name."

Quan Jiayun sincerely admires Immortal Shinan. .

In addition to the chaotic supreme power integrated from the strengths of each family.

When the Shinan Immortal turned into a god, he realized the Dao even more.

Therefore, each of his strokes is extraordinary, that is to say, after he reached Mahayana, the immortal, the laws of heaven and earth are contained in his paintings.

In addition to a complete and huge world, he can almost be like Ma Liang in fairy tales in the later stage, and what he draws can become anything.

If someone understands even one of them, the profit will be huge.

Quan Jiayun pointed to one of the murals with only a little light on it and said: "Just like this painting, it actually depicts the slaughtering sword spirit of a Mahayana sword cultivator. If you can see the sword itself during observation, follow the artistic conception to return At that scene back then, you can understand the way of killing."

Of course, this was not researched by Quan Jiayun, but only learned from his explanation after receiving the inheritance of Shinan Tianxian.

Hearing what Quan Jiayun said, the two young people, Quan Xuesong and Lu Wanwan, widened their eyes, but they couldn't see anything unusual when they looked at the painting.

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "If you want to watch it, you can wait until the late Yuanying stage to observe it carefully. It is useless for you to watch it now. Even if you really realize something so against the sky, it may not be a good thing."

Just like the last time she comprehended the way of time, she almost died in Huangquan.

So she never had a good time observing here, because Immortal Shinan had told her that she could only observe it when she was close to the God of Transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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