The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1601 Not a Demon

Chapter 1601 Not a Demon

Elder Ke Qing, a nominal name, does not interfere with the affairs of the sect, nor is he subject to the existence of the sect.

Like the Honorary Vice Club, this is the name that Lanyue Sect has never given out in the past 300 years.

Although he is a guest minister, he is also an elder of Lanyue Sect.

Hearing this, Quan Jiayun smiled, and said back: "I don't have much opinion here, but if the Gu Zong wants me to be the elder of the Keqing, for the time being, I will use the name of Jiang Shanxue if I want to use it. Don't use Quan Jiayun, and don't declare the relationship between me and Quan Hanyi, just say that I, as the elder of Lanyue Zong Keqing, can be angry because of my disciples."

I have been struggling in the cultivation world for so long.

Quan Jiayun knows very well that the Lone Ranger is the most invincible existence, because with only one body, no worries, no desires, no fear of threats from anyone.

With a family and a clan, unless you can surpass the sky, no one can surpass you under this starry sky, otherwise you will inevitably be restrained.

Yesterday, she killed the Jiang family's family, and the killing was so monstrous, it must have shocked countless young people, and let them know that those who know Jiangshan's blood can't touch a single hair.

But this is not enough to shock a person like Cang Xuan, at most it will make the other party a little bit afraid.

Therefore, it is best not to expose this relationship with her parents for the time being, and let outsiders know that even if it is for a disciple, she can kill the sky.

When Gu Yinian heard Quan Jiayun's voice transmission, he also thought that she was more thoughtful.

"As you say."

After reaching a consensus in the communication of divine consciousness.

Gu Yinian withdrew his gaze, looked at the people below and said, "Besides, from now on, this fellow Taoist Quan will be the Elder Keqing of my Lanyue Sect. Everyone sees her as if they were seeing me. Of course, the identity of fellow Taoist Quan is Jiang Shanxue. , the one who said it was Jiang Shanxue is the elder of my Lanyue Sect, everyone must keep their mouths shut on this point, do you understand?"

Everyone was still wondering whether that Jiang Shanxue was this Quan Jiayun, but now that they got the affirmation from the suzerain, their hearts thumped again.

It was indeed the same person!

Moreover, he became the elder Ke Qing of Lanyue Sect.

Knowing such a secret unknown to the world all of a sudden made their hearts beat faster. They quietly glanced at Quan Jiayun, then lowered their heads and said respectfully: "Understood, the disciples respect the order of the suzerain."

After Gu Yinian finished explaining, he looked at Quan Jiayun and said, "I don't know if Elder Jiang has anything to say."

Quan Jiayun smiled and said, "Of course."

Gu Yinian made a gesture of invitation, and then left the stage.

Afterwards, Quan Jiayun walked to the middle step by step, and when she stood in the middle, in the eyes of everyone, she was no longer a beautiful girl but an extremely handsome young man.

That was exactly what everyone had seen on the videos and images, the world-renowned Jiang Shanxue looked like.

This kind of bone-changing technique shocked all the cultivators of Lanyue Sect.

Because she almost watched her figure get taller and her face change, but the other party didn't make any movements.

In the horror of all the cultivators, Quan Jiayun summoned his head and tossed his head, looked at the cultivators below with a smile and said: "Sect Master Gu has already made it very clear what should be said, so I will just add something to everyone, I hope everyone will be harmonious Get along with each other in a friendly way, and you must know that although I am not a demon, if someone hurts me, I will kill them all, you know!"

(End of this chapter)

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