The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1610 Becoming an in-law to fully assist you

Chapter 1610 Becoming an in-law to fully assist you

Wu Yunhe asserted resolutely, and continued to talk non-stop: "Because monks themselves have time to cast spells."

"But the magic weapon has almost no time. This is the same instant cast as the talisman, and the same spell is cast by the magic weapon. Under the blessing of the magic circle, the power will be much greater."

"For another example, if a monk has an offensive treasure in his hand, no matter whether the treasure is low-grade, middle-grade or high-grade, regardless of whether the monk only has the cultivation level of the Qi refining stage, then even if he is facing a gold For a monk in the early stage of alchemy, he can also use this treasure to severely injure the opponent, and if it is a foundation-building cultivator, he can easily kill him.

"This is the heaven-defying part of the magic weapon!!!"

"And my Wu family can refine treasures that are higher than top-grade spirit weapons!!!"

"It's not just low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade, and top-grade treasures. You can talk about them. As long as we give our Wu family some more time, it's just around the corner."

"And only my Wu family dares to say such a thing!"

After Wu Yunhe finished speaking forcefully, his chin slightly raised, and he looked at Si Chengtian with piercing eyes and said, "What kind of concept is this, General Si must understand!!"

"So, I'll make it clear that people don't speak dark words. If you, General Si, marry our Wu family and become my daughter's Taoist partner, my Wu family will definitely use the strength of the whole family to assist you and offer my family The strongest magic weapon, and provide you with the best backing, allowing you to leap over Cangxuan, overwhelm other continental powerhouses, and become No.1 in the world!!"

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that the whole living room trembled.

Han Shaoqin who was standing on the side was not calm when he heard this, because the other party's words were too provocative, indeed very tempting, he couldn't help but look at General Si.

Si Chengtian blinked his eyes, looked at Wu Yunhe without changing his expression, and did not show any excitement because of the other party's words.

Wu Yunhe met Si Chengtian's gaze brightly, with confidence in his heart.

He didn't believe that Si Chengtian would refuse for this sake.

It can be said that no ambitious man would refuse such a condition, and since Si Chengtian sat at the highest position in a base, he is obviously an ambitious man.

Because if a person does not care about fame and fortune, he will not sit in this position at all.

As for the fact that Si Chengtian has a crush, Wu Yunhe is not worried. It is not uncommon for a man to be attracted to many women in his life.

The key is to be faithful to his daughter after marriage.

And given time, he believed that his daughter would have the ability to conquer Si Chengtian's heart! !
When Wu Yunhe smiled calmly and proudly, Wu Yinyao, who was still angry at Si Chengtian's rejection, looked at Si Chengtian with her beautiful eyes, waiting for his answer.

Under everyone's attention, Si Chengtian spoke calmly.

"No.1 in the world is indeed a heart-warming rhetoric."

Just as Wu Yunhe and the others were delighted when they heard this, Si Chengtian's words reached their ears again.

"I will definitely fight for it, but I won't use this method, so, Master Wu, you should find another person who you think has potential to assist."

As soon as Si Chengtian said this, Wu Yunhe's face turned livid this time.

He looked at Si Chengtian in disbelief and said, "Does General Si think that what I said is not true?"

(End of this chapter)

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