The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1620 Blood Pact Comes Back

Chapter 1620 Blood Pact Comes Back

In the scene where Wu Yunhe excitedly imagined the blood of Jiangshan exploding, under the traction of the blood covenant, Wu Yinyao's divine sense continued outward, and soon he was ten miles away, and he 'saw' the red one. light spot.

That was the blood contract for her to sacrifice Naqu Water Shield.

And beside the red dot, there were two white balls with very bright light. She stared at the nearest white ball for three seconds, and silently said two words in her heart.


As soon as these two words came out, Wu Yinyao's mind was settled.

In an instant, she ignited her own blood.

As soon as this bloody flame ignited, the curved water shield in Quan Jiayun's hand immediately reacted, and the entire shield surface became red and hot in an instant.

It was as if it had been roasted red by countless flames.

When Si Chengtian saw this scene, it can be said that he reacted very quickly, and almost immediately shouted: "Throw it away." While drinking, he also waved his hand to knock away the shield in Quan Jiayue's hand.

However, with a shake of Quan Jiayun's hand, Si Chengtian's attack was avoided.

Si Chengtian looked at Quan Jiayun, and saw her smiling and saying, "It's okay."

Si Chengtian's eyes lowered, and he saw that the red face of the shield just now seemed to be muted, and the color slowly dropped.

On the painting boat on the other side, when the Qushui Shield failed to explode and returned to its original state, Wu Yinyao sneered and spat out a mouthful of blood.

This movement alarmed several people nearby.

"Junior Sister!!"

The two monks next to him hurriedly supported the body of the junior sister with anxious expressions on their faces.

Under the movement, Wu Yunhe, who was still in high spirits, came back to his senses and looked at his daughter in astonishment.

"what happened!"

Wu Yinyao opened her eyes, clutched her uncomfortable chest, looked at her father with a weary expression, and said, "The blood deed is counterproductive, that Jiang Shanxue may have discovered the blood deed long ago and tampered with it."

Hearing this, Wu Yunhe sternly said: "Impossible, how is it possible, this blood contract was forged with blood before the magic weapon was formed, it was too secretive, how could he discover it with Jiangshan's blood? How could it be possible to use hands and feet, it is impossible!"

Wu Yunhe couldn't accept that the blood contract passed down from generation to generation was broken just like that.

So he tried to deny it.

Listening to her father's resolute words, Wu Yinyao smiled slightly and said, "But now I'm being backlashed."

She didn't want to believe it either.

But it was obvious that Jiang Shanxue had discovered it.

That man was indeed different.

Wu Yinyao thought about the scene where the handsome man walked up to her and gave her flowers. In the turmoil of his mood, his throat turned up, and a big mouthful of thick blood uncontrollably spread out of his mouth again.

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Wu Yunhe didn't care to speak hard, and immediately grabbed her daughter's hand to check her body condition.

After confirming that it was really a backlash, Wu Yunhe was both angry and hurt.

Jiangshan blood! ! !

Wu Yunhe chewed the name viciously, his whole face twisted ferociously and distorted.

For so many years, Wu Yunhe has never suffered such a big loss, nor has he been angered like this, but today in front of this Jiang Shanxue, he has been hurt several times in a row.

The humiliation brought to him by Jiang Shan's blood today! !
He will definitely make up for it twice.

He must make Jiang Shanxue more painful and embarrassing.

Wu Yunhe swallowed the blood in his mouth, cast a vicious look over there, and then began to adjust his daughter's breathing and deal with the problems after being backlashed.

(End of this chapter)

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