The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1624 It's nice to have a boyfriend

Chapter 1624 It's nice to have a boyfriend
Quan Jiayun glanced at Si Chengtian who followed in, but didn't make a sound to let him out.

Since they are all hers, there is nothing to shy away from.

Instead, Si Chengtian quickly avoided his sight.

Quan Jiayun filled the bathtub with spiritual water from the small world, stepped in and lay down.

She gracefully put her legs on the edge of the bathtub, then looked at Si Chengtian who was standing there standing still, and teased with a half-smile: "You don't look at me, what are you doing after you come in!"

Si Chengtian raised his eyelids, looked at her solemnly and said, "Let me rub your back for you."

In fact, he had listened to her stamped words, and in joy, he saw her enter the bathroom, and he followed her in without thinking too much.

Seeing Si Chengtian's seriously serious face, Quan Jiayun thought it was very funny.

However, she didn't tease him anymore, but raised her foot and shook it and said, "Okay, come and help me rub my back."

Si Chengtian looked at the wobbly little toe, pursed his lips, and walked over with steady breathing.

However, Quan Jiayun was not satisfied with this.

In the soothing finger pressing, she asked bluntly: "It's too quiet, I want to hear a joke."

Si Chengtian himself didn't know how to do it, but he didn't refuse either, and immediately clicked on a few jokes on the holographic screen, and followed them.

The low and magnetic voice slowly rang in his ears, it was not like telling a joke, but telling a story.

Quan Jiayun closed his eyes, listening to Si Chengtian's pleasant voice, he couldn't help but think that it would be nice to have a boyfriend.

As for whether it will last long, there is no need to think too much about it.

Just be happy now.

Let's talk about the future.

If he betrayed her, he would kill her.

If she's not interested, just break up.

Anyway, no need to worry.

That's what Quan Jiayun thought, so after having that dream, she came to prescribe him.


But even though it is settled.

The two still didn't get any closer.

In this situation, it is naturally not because the relationship between the two is not in place, or because Quan Jiayun wants to keep something, but because Quan Jiayun has not yet reached the Nascent Soul Stage.

It is not beneficial for monks to practice double cultivation before the Nascent Soul Stage.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there is any harm in dual cultivation now.

There are no disadvantages.

But waiting until the Nascent Soul stage has great benefits.

Because after forming a Nascent Soul, the level of life is completely different from that of Jindan.

Nascent Soul is a combination of soul and soul.

At that time, Hou Shuangxiu, having the soul and body together is of great benefit to the Nascent Soul, and such benefits can be said to be irreplaceable by any other elixir.

Of course, this has to be an orthodox practice.

Tu Wuyue's unilateral tonic method is not acceptable.

The plundering method that belongs to evil cultivators can only benefit one person.

Basically, in Canglan Star, except for those who feel hopeless for immortality, the ceremony of becoming a couple will only be held when both parties reach the Nascent Soul stage.

A person like her who wants to benefit from everything, naturally wants to use this matter.

So, she had to wait until then.

Afterwards, Quan Jiayun told Si Chengtian about this.

I don't want to make him think too much.

After all, if he is her boyfriend, he should be pampered.

Si Chengtian was able to establish a relationship with her, which was already the best thing for him, but now hearing her explain it made him feel even happier.

He looked at her and said, "Understood, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Quan Jiayun glanced at him and walked downstairs.

Si Chengtian walked side by side.

At this time, under Si Chengtian's instructions, plates of delicacies have been gradually delivered to the dining table, and the aroma of the food immediately filled the nostrils, enticing people to eat.

Quan Jiayun smiled, and as soon as he walked up to him, Si Chengtian opened the chair for her.

(End of this chapter)

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