The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1626 A gift from the general

Chapter 1626 A gift from the general
After chewing and swallowing the delicious prawns, Quan Jiayun said casually: "It's nothing special, it's just that he warned me that night that I couldn't get ahead of you, don't try to flirt with you, and even try to do something to me."

She blinked, "You know, I have a little bit of a bad temper, so I took him in and changed his name to Lei Yi."

Having said this, Quan Jiayun tapped his fingers on the dining table, stared at Si Chengtian playfully and said, "By the way, I almost killed him, but fortunately he was more upbeat and let me see that it is useful." value, otherwise he would not exist now."

Once again, Quan Jiayun expressed her cruelty in a straightforward and naive tone, wanting to see Si Chengtian's reaction,
After all, even though Lei Yi was disrespectful to her at the time, he was a heartfelt subordinate to Si Chengtian. Wasn't it because of this that he monitored her back then.

Si Chengtian met her playful gaze and knew what she was expressing.

It was true that Lei Zhengping was a good subordinate to him, and he admired him very much, so he was very glad that Lei Zhengping was still alive, so that he didn't need to worry about it.

But he thought about it seriously, if Lei Zhengping was really killed by Quan Jiayun at that time, would he turn against Quan Jiayun now that he knew about it?


He found that he couldn't, and he still wouldn't do anything to her.

He would still love her, fall in love with her like poison.

Because, he is also a selfish person.

He has never been the great man who is dedicated to serving the people as some people say.

He was never this great.

He joined the army at first, just to become stronger, and later climbed all the way, and unknowingly sat on the position of general, just doing his job and fulfilling his responsibilities.

He is only within the scope of his ability. If he can protect the people in the jurisdiction, he will protect it, and if he can restrain it, he will restrain it.

But if there is a day when he can't protect him, he will also withdraw, and he will not sacrifice himself to help others.

Si Chengtian looked at Quan Jiayun, and slowly said: "If there is a huge crisis coming, you have a choice in front of you, you have to sacrifice one-third of human beings to make the remaining two-thirds If you survive, you will definitely choose to sacrifice, right?"

Quan Jiayun looked at him, his eyes flickered, but he didn't answer.

Si Chengtian met her gaze, and said calmly: "I will also choose to sacrifice this third without hesitation. You see, in fact, our three views are not much different."

Quan Jiayun was amused when he heard this.

This metaphor is really difficult for him.

She grinned and shook her head at Si Chengtian.

"No, it's pretty much the same. Except for the ones I care about, I might just watch them die under the catastrophe, and don't care about the remaining two-thirds."

Si Chengtian put the crab meat that had been peeled again into her mouth and said, "Then I hope I'm one of the ones you care about."

Si Chengtian knew that maybe their three views were indeed different.

However, he can also see that she also has a bottom line. She is not a murderer who kills indiscriminately, just like she kills people and exterminates people for no reason, as long as she has a bottom line.

These differences come slowly, and one day, their pace will gradually become the same.

Seeing Si Chengtian's expression, Quan Jiayun's eyes moved, and when Si Chengtian brought it to his lips again, he smiled and said: "Okay, you can eat by yourself, I don't want it anymore."

Quan Jiayun started to do it himself.

Seeing that she really didn't want her anymore, Si Chengtian withdrew her hand.

Later, during the quiet meal, Si Chengtian glanced at Quan Jiayun, and said, "By the way, can I go somewhere with me? I want to give you a gift."

 Embarrassed, I didn't write the title, and went to talk about the three views.

(End of this chapter)

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