Chapter 1636
Everyone looked at Jiang Shanxue under the umbrella, and their throats felt tight.

They don't know that this umbrella has resisted the catastrophe, and it is not a top-grade spiritual weapon at all, especially after the baptism of the catastrophe, it is even stronger.

It was just because the thunder disaster was so powerful that night when they faced the Heavenly Tribulation, which interfered with the magnetic field and caused the exposure, so those warriors who stood far away could not take too many pictures. Naturally, Quan Jiayun had this umbrella Nothing was reported.

Quan Jiayun turned the handle, looked at Zhou Guanghe's eyes and said: "Continue."

Zhou Guanghe looked at Jiang Shanxue there, and his heart was more shocked than others, because only he who punched knew that what hit on the silk light curtain was like being shocked by a high-voltage voltage.

At this time, the fist of his right hand was still faintly numb.

You know, after he successfully became a Tier [-] martial artist, ordinary high-voltage electricity could not numb him, but now his feelings are so strong, it is obvious that the electricity on the other party's silk light curtain is very strong.

Therefore, he dared not neglect Jiang Shanxue's orders.

Zhou Guanghe gritted his teeth, jumped away again, and attacked.

One punch.

Two punches.

In this way, Zhou Guanghe continued to attack ten punches non-stop, leaving no room for punches, but the light curtain of silver-white silk threads around Quan Jiayun, although turbulent, was still not damaged in the slightest.

Watching this scene, all the soldiers were already shocked in their hearts.

Although they had heard about Jiang Shanxue's power, but hearing it was a hearing, and it didn't make people fully understand it, so they were only three-pointed in fear.

Now looking at Jiang Shanxue who has been standing there untouched.

More fear surged in the hearts of the soldiers.

Not relying on physical strength, just a magic weapon can make such a powerful warrior helpless.

Strong, too strong.

In the fear of all the soldiers, Zhou Guanghe was the same, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

He had this feeling of powerlessness before when facing Si Chengtian, and now he felt it again with Jiang Shanxue.

He has heard that monks use spiritual power to drive magic weapons, that is to say, as long as the opponent's spiritual power is not empty, he can't break it no matter what.

And just ten punches, the fist of his right hand was about to be shocked to the point of unconsciousness.

If he continued to fight, his right hand might be destroyed.

When the No.12 punch was bounced back, Zhou Guanghe retracted his fist, and instead of saluting the military, he bent his knees, half-kneeling at Quan Jiayun and said, "Commander, this subordinate is incompetent, and his arms are too numb Punched."

Quan Jiayun stared at him for a few seconds.

Staring at Zhou Guanghe completely hanging his heart, waiting for his fate empty and restless, Quan Jiayun turned the handle, and then made a magnanimous voice.

"Okay, step aside."

Hearing this, Zhou Guanghe breathed a sigh of relief like a heavy stone falling down.

He quickly stepped aside, only to realize that his cold sweat had completely come down.

Quan Jiayun turned his eyes to the remaining eight third-tier soldiers in the front row and said, "Go together."

These words shocked all the soldiers standing there again.

come together?

Did he let the major and above come together?

These are all Tier [-] fighters, each one is very strong, and eight Tier [-] fighters attacking together can be said to be no less than a blow from a Tier [-] fighter! !
Can his magic weapon really block it?
Amidst the dry mouth of the soldiers, the eight soldiers with the lowest rank of major stood up. They looked at Jiang Shanxue standing there and saluted in unison.

Then they exchanged glances with each other, and attacked Quan Jiayun from all directions and eight positions together.

(End of this chapter)

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