Chapter 1650

He said he was going to a place with her, but Quan Jiayun wanted to pamper Si Chengtian.

Every place has its special flavor food. There are several restaurants in the East China base that she still likes. For people like Si Chengtian, she can guarantee that she has never searched for any delicious food. Enjoy it. the joys of life.

Now that he is her listed boyfriend, she needs to let him know how to enjoy it more.

People, why do they want to practice Taoism and live long?
Isn't it just to see the scenery of the eternal world and enjoy happiness?

Of course, Quan Jiayun will have time to enjoy it this way, and it was also two days ago that Si Chengtian had already done what she was supposed to do these two days.

Although the things she has to do now are urgent, she doesn't need to keep an eye on them all the time, just let them do the arrangement first, and she will do the most important finishing touches at the end.

Quan Jiayun took Si Chengtian to a food street in the 13th city first.

The entire street here is full of various delicacies, because the East China base gathers people from several nearby provinces, so all kinds of snacks gather together.

There are fried lotus flowers, deep-fried oil spinach, grilled squid, grilled sea cucumber, millet pancakes, and fresh fish dumplings.

When Quan Jiayun and Si Chengtian showed up, it immediately caused a commotion.

Now these two people can be said to be the two hottest people in public opinion.

Now that the two of them appeared together in this small place wearing similar military uniforms, everyone was stunned. They stared blankly at these two equally handsome men, unable to take their eyes off at all.

Although I have seen the faces of the two in the video, the impact of seeing the real person is still different.

One is stern and awe-inspiring, like a peerless blade, even if it is hidden in the scabbard, it still exudes a chill that is thousands of miles away.

One is handsome and charming, and he looks like a spring breeze with a smile on his face, but thinking about what he has done, one can't help but be horrified.

Quan Jiayun didn't care about others, and dragged Si Chengtian directly to a grilled seafood stall.

As the two walked forward, they didn't need anyone to chase them away, and everyone retreated like a tide. In an instant, there was no pedestrian in the bustling food street before.
Those bosses also wanted to slip away, but Quan Jiayun stopped them.

"Where are you going? I'm here to take care of your business."

One sentence made all the bosses return.

Taking care of business?

The bosses wanted to cry but thought to themselves, what is he called taking care of business.

While the shop owner was shivering, Quan Jiayun pointed out, "This, this, this, this kind of thing, bake two servings."

After ordering, Quan Jiayun said to the booth next to him: "Two bowls of your ice powder, and yours..." In an instant, Quan Jiayun ordered a lot of them without stopping.

Si Chengtian watched her talking about all kinds of delicacies, and kept staring at her.

He didn't expect her to have such a side. Although he knew that she was sometimes picky about food, but she ate in the open air on the streets without any consideration...

Si Chengtian has never had such an experience, and his time simply does not allow him to do so.

All this made him fresh and happy.

Of course, this is also because of her company.

Si Chengtian once sat in the car and saw many young men and women laughing and making noise on the street. At that time, he didn't feel anything superfluous, but now it made him feel as if he was one of them.

At this time, he and her are like an ordinary couple in the vast crowd, enjoying an ordinary date on the street at night.

Si Chengtian couldn't help curling up the corner of his mouth, hooking her finger.

 Good night, you go to bed first, come and see tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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