The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1652 Gu Yehui's Obsession

Chapter 1652 Gu Yehui's Obsession
Quan Jiayun didn't care about these people, she never minded being the focus of everyone, as long as she was far away, it was fine not to disturb her, if it disturbed her, she would be embarrassed.

In the next few days, such a scene will appear in several famous food places in the East China Base.

The owner of the shop prepared delicious food for the two big men in fear, while a crowd of people was crowded in the distance, watching the two big men's every move from a distance.

During this time, the hot discussion between the two on the Internet exploded again.

What started as a post from a girl became the top trending post of the night.

The title is: Come and see, what I saw, two top big shots are dating! ! !
Attached is a picture, the angle of that picture is captured very well.

The front side of the photo happened to capture the scene where Si Chengtian raised his eyelids to see Quan Jiayun smiling, and Quan Jiayun smiled with his eyes lowered, while the rear side of the photo was the silhouette of the two of them staying on the wall at the same time.

The two pictures complement each other, and under the halo lights of the food street, the whole picture is beautiful and incredible.

This photo made people who were previously circled as Xipi fans of the two people boil.

A lot of people are posting and howling here.


Ahhh, if I'm in love again.

Of course, some people jumped up and down in it and said that when you are tortured and killed by Jiang Shanxue, you will not be able to laugh, but the candy-eating Xipifen completely ignored it.

In this incident where countless people paid attention to the two.

Southwest base.

In a basement with no lights on.

Sitting in the dark, Gu Yehui looked at the two people who looked at each other and smiled on the big screen, a cold dark green color appeared in those dark eyes, like will-o'-the-wisps in the dark, strange and terrifying.

He touched the human-headed skeleton on the armrest, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

That is the woman he fancy.

The woman who best suits his taste.

Such a work of art.

How can you degenerate into an ordinary person.

He doesn't mind if she plays with others, but she can't show her true feelings.

He would never let Si Chengtian reduce her to a mediocre mortal.

With a wave of Gu Yehui's hand, he blocked the big screen, and Si Chengtian's body exploded into pieces, leaving Jiang Shanxue alone on the screen.

Gu Yehui walked over, and traced Jiang Shanxue's face with his fingers, his eyes were full of love, as if looking at the most perfect incarnation in his heart, he slowly leaned over and kissed it.

The light from the screen shone on Gu Yehui's handsome and somewhat feminine face, and on that face was a morbid obsession.

Gu Yehui raised his head, looked at Jiang Shanxue on the screen, and whispered in that gorgeous voice: "Honey, wait for my good news."

In the next second, all the lights in the basement went out.

Gu Yehui's figure flickered, leaving the basement like a black light.

The sky of the southwest base is also in the state of night.

But in the city, there was a bright light, and many people were still busy shuttling under the bright lights.

Gu Yehui was looking at the brightly lit, bustling scene from a high altitude, the corner of his mouth twitched, and in the next second, his figure flickered and sneaked into the city.

Half an hour later, Gu Yehui, who finished the last step, returned to the sky tens of meters above the city again.

At this time, Gu Yehui's peach blossom eyes were shining brightly. He stared at the ignorant people below, and his whole body was trembling with excitement because of what was about to happen next.

(End of this chapter)

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