The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1665 Gu Yehui Appears

Chapter 1665 Gu Yehui Appears

Gu Yehui.

The chief of the fourth grade of the military academy was actually the mastermind this time.

This information has a little impact on Si Chengtian, after all, Gu Yehui is from the military academy.

However, with a little impact, Si Chengtian had no doubts about the information Quan Jiayun revealed.

He believed Quan Jiayun's words, she would definitely not be aimless, there must be some basis for her guess.

Thinking of Gu Yehui, what appeared in Si Chengtian's mind was the scene of the two dancing in the Xingxiu Palace, because for this person, he only remembered this scene most clearly.

For this scene, Si Chengtian felt that it was an eyesore at the time. He was very unhappy and didn't want to watch it, so he couldn't help but keep his eyes on her.

Looking back now, Si Chengtian was even more unhappy.

Because it was obviously a man who was spying on Quan Jiayun.

Si Chengtian pursed his lips tightly, and soon he deleted the message sent by Quan Jiayun, and continued to arrange other matters as if nothing had happened, and did not intend to tell the second person about it.

Whether Gu Yehui is really the real murderer this time as Quan Jiayun guessed, you will know when you try it.

Just as Si Chengtian was contemplating his next plan and boarded the helicopter to leave this place, the figure of Gu Yehui from a distance broke into Si Chengtian's field of vision, and he was not alone, he was with the Quan family. people together.

Seeing this scene, Si Chengtian's already paralyzed face didn't show any strangeness at all, even his eyes didn't change.

He glanced at it calmly, pointed at the pilot, and the plane flew this way.


"Here, I saw it from a distance before."

Under Gu Yehui's leadership, Mrs. Quan saw Quan Zhengfeng's body.

"My son."

When the old lady Quan saw her son's body, she screamed and threw herself on Quan Zhengfeng's body. Quan Zhengfeng's wife knelt on the ground with a pale expression.

"How could it be, how could it be... Isn't he out of the city?"

Quan Zhengfeng's wife never thought that her husband would appear in this city.

Quan Yuqi looked at her father's body, and backed away with chills, no, it's impossible! !How could her father die, what would she do if he died! !

This once quite arrogant little girl, facing the fact of her father's death, can no longer put on her usual appearance, she is just a little girl who cannot accept her father's death.

For a moment, several people were mourning and wailing...

Of course, scenes like this happen everywhere in the city.

Because it has now been allowed to collect the corpse.

It's a pity that some people can't even find all the dead bodies of their relatives, so they can only rely on accessories to judge which pulverized flesh and blood belong to their relatives.

It can be described as a real family tragedy.

In such a scene full of grief, Gu Yehui stood beside the Quan family and comforted them politely, pretending to be a gentle and kind person.

Because when people are weak, they are most likely to rely on the strong and gentle person next to them.

The gentle comfort made Quan Yuqi couldn't help but threw herself into his arms, buried her head in his chest, and burst into tears.

"Cry, it will make you feel better when you cry."

Gu Yehui held back his disgust, and gently stroked Quan Yuqi's head.

At this moment, Gu Yehui raised his eyes inadvertently, as if he suddenly discovered the fighter plane Si Chengtian was sitting in the sky.

His peach blossom eyes lit up, and he suddenly pushed Quan Yuqi away.

(End of this chapter)

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