Chapter 1670

The pictures in this video are more shocking than all the pictures taken by others outside or taken from inside.

Because it was so real and so direct, it was as if people were there and witnessed this cruel scene with their own eyes.

Seeing the horror of this hell on earth, almost everyone realized that this person was the murderer.

After watching the video, they immediately wanted to find out who this person was, but before they could find out, they discovered that the other party had already exposed his information openly.

grim Reaper! !
The well-known killer who wore a mask and was once on the reward net.

This killer has always acted with a mask, known as the god of death, and no one has seen his true face.

Everyone wanted to find out who the god of death was, but the other party's information was well hidden, and nothing was revealed.

People started talking about the Grim Reaper, talking about what a crazy pervert like the Grim Reaper was going to do. Could it be that he was doing such a thing for pure pleasure?
At this time Cang Xuan stood up.

He clearly pointed out that the other party was a demon cultivator, and his practice was a blood sacrifice.

Then he said that if Si Chengtian couldn't handle the matter, he would go and kill this person.

All of a sudden, heated discussions continued on the Internet.

It was widely reported.

It is because of the satellite that other countries are a little slow in the transmission of information, and now they have heard of such crazy people.

However, people in other countries are all gloating about this matter. They wish that more people in Huaxia will die. After all, Huaxia is still the most populous country in the world.

Under such circumstances, they also have the most high-level warriors.

In this way, they are so unafraid of defense.

The monsters have not been completely expelled from the earth, and these human beings who have become stronger began to worry that if the opponent is too strong, it will gradually engulf their own country.

So everyone has their own little thoughts, Xiao Jiujiu.

And this is the nature of human selfishness.

Of course, at this stage, under the circumstances surrounding the monsters, humans and humans are still unable to start a war for the time being, but if the monsters are completely suppressed by humans, a monstrous world war will inevitably break out.

This is almost inevitable.

Of course this is all later.

On the morning of the appointed time, Gu Yehui hummed a cheerful song, adjusted his clothes in front of the mirror, and dressed himself up brightly, so he must be the focus of attention from the crowd.

Gu Yehui then went out to Si Chengtian's mansion.

The people at Si Chengtian's place had obviously received the order from above, and when they saw Gu Yehui coming, they immediately invited Gu Yehui in.

Gu Yehui took a step and looked around at the surrounding scenery. He had peeked at Si Chengtian's mansion in the past, but it was the first time he had stared so openly.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

It's a nice mansion.

However, soon, everything Si Chengtian owns will be destroyed by him.

With a happy smile on his face, Gu Yehui came to the place where Si Chengtian received him.

Han Shaoqin said to Gu Yehui: "The general is inside, go in."

Gu Yehui looked at the place that was obviously a training room, and raised his eyebrows slightly, a training room?Aren't you waiting for him in the study?Is there anything that needs to be said in the training room, or is it just to test his skills before sending out a mission?
No matter which one, a cunning and suspicious person like Gu Yehui is keeping an eye out.

Although he didn't think Si Chengtian would know that the real culprit was him.

But Gu Yehui remembered that he met Quan Jiayun with the appearance of a god of death, although Quan Jiayun never showed the appearance of shaking the god of death when he knew him.

But what if his baby sees it and just doesn't talk?

(End of this chapter)

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