Chapter 1688
"Yes, that's the reason. Cangxuan is clearly afraid of the Commander and General Si, that's why he left these two places for the end. As long as the Commander joins forces with General Si, he will definitely be destroyed."

Among the opinions of the two parties, someone also said: "I am rather dull, so I will not express any vulgar opinions. The commander's order is my idea, and everything is subject to your order, commander."

Having said that, everyone said in unison: "Yes, everything is subject to your orders, Commander, and we will obey orders."

These big men who are feared in front of outsiders are now changing their ways to flatter and show their loyalty, for fear that if they say something wrong, the real big man in the main seat will be upset.

The real boss who made them fear was naturally Quan Jiayun.

At this moment, she was lazily nestling on the main seat, with pillows on her back, her relaxed appearance, it was hard to tell that she was holding a rigorous military meeting.

After listening to their last unanimous words, the corners of her lips twitched slightly.

a few minutes ago.

While she was training the soldiers below, Zhan Hu told her that he had received a letter sent by Cangxuan, which mentioned that he was asked to support him as a marshal, and that he would visit in the next step.

It can be regarded as a superficially polite, but actually threatening words.

Obviously, if she does not agree to support Cangxuan, Cangxuan will use force to suppress her.

However, he was obviously very confident, and he had notified her in advance when he had just entered the capital base.

After Quan Jiayun read it once, he summoned these people and threw the letter to them. After they read it, he asked them to express their opinions.

The result was this answer.

Obviously, during the ten days that Quan Jiayun led the Fifth Army, Quan Jiayun's prestige has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No matter whether these people believe Jiang Shanxue has the ability to fight against Cangxuan, no one dares to speak out.

Quan Jiayun was very satisfied with this, she asked them, of course she didn't really need to listen to their opinions, she already had a conclusion in her mind on such a big matter.

she asked them.

It just happened to be at the headquarters, so I just asked casually, so that she would not appear to be so tyrant.

Quan Jiayun looked at them, smiled and said: "That's it, let's go, wait for the news from the Kyoto base."

Quan Jiayun got up and walked outside.

The rest of the people glanced at each other, and they all saw the blankness on each other's faces. They still couldn't figure out Jiang Shanxue's intentions. Was this going to fight or not?

In all honesty, except for a few people, few of them really wanted to fight with blood.

Although Jiang Shanxue has shown his power, after all, Cang Xuan's spell that shakes mountains and seas is there, and now he has recovered several major bases one after another, it seems that he is really capable.

If this one is not good, it will not affect them, and they naturally don't want to fight.

However, they dare not say such a thing, unless they escaped from East China, otherwise this area is now under the control of Jiang Shanxue.

Everyone glanced at Zhan Hu, who completely trusted the commander, and left the conference hall with a heavy heart.

After Quan Jiayun left the military headquarters, he didn't seem to be affected by Cangxuan's coming, so he ordered people to go to the most luxurious hotel in Erjiu City.

Outside the neon-flashing luxury hotel, Wei Yuanxun, leader of the Lingyun Society, was welcoming the guests with a smile on his face. Suddenly, amidst people's slight exclamations, an extremely ostentatious and luxurious car entered everyone's field of vision.

Everyone's pupils suddenly dilated.

This car! !
(End of this chapter)

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