The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1691 Who Are You?

Chapter 1691 Who Are You?
As Quan Jiayun said, he stretched his left hand around the girl's waist and led her onto the dance floor.

The girl felt the hand on her waist, looked at the more handsome face at a close distance, and was completely in a dreamlike state.

She was hugged by Jiang Shanxue?Jiang Shanxue really accepted her invitation?
She is really not dreaming.

Seeing the girl's obsessive state, Quan Jiayun slightly hooked the corner of his mouth.

In the next second, she threw the girl high and high.

In the girl's wide-open eyes, Quan Jiayun's figure flickered, and the girl only heard a faint chuckle, and the flying body returned to the embrace of Jiang Shanxue, and then fell back to the ground in an elegant circle .

This teasing without warning made the girl's heart even more intoxicated.

Her eyes were completely glued to Quan Jiayun's body obsessively, and she forgot how long it was tonight.

In this way, at the dinner party this night, Quan Jiayun wantonly released her charm to the girls, making the hearts of those girls who knew he only liked boys beat wildly.

It can be said that she alone completely stole the limelight from the host tonight, or everyone.

An hour later, Quan Jiayun, who had stopped dancing and was still enjoying the performance while enjoying the feeding of the little beauty, received a call from Si Chengtian.

She glanced at it, put down her arms around the little beauty's shoulders, said something politely to the little beauty, and then went to the corridor outside to pick her up.

As soon as it was connected, the communication was suddenly cut off.

When Quan Jiayun lowered his eyes and pressed on the communicator, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind without warning, covered Quan Jiayun's eyes, grabbed her body, and brought her into the dark room behind.

This move was sudden and quick, and Quan Jiayun was suppressed by the attackers almost instantly against the cold wall, unable to move.

Facing this sudden attack.

Quan Jiayun immediately began to resist vigorously, and asked loudly: "Who are you? What do you want to do to me?"

Such a look, as if she really didn't know who this sudden person was.

Perfect for playing a victim in shock.

Si Chengtian couldn't believe that his little villain hadn't figured out who he was yet.

Because she is so strong, if she doesn't want to be suppressed by one person, it is absolutely impossible for him to suppress her, and she will take action in advance.

In the dark light, he looked at Quan Jiayun's face with his eyes covered with his good eyesight.

Quan Jiayun, who had just drank a lot of wine, now had slightly flushed cheeks, and she could still see a little bit of her proud appearance surrounded by beauties just now.

Seeing that Si Chengtian was very sad.

How happy she had been just now!
Si Chengtian leaned close to her ear, deliberately changed his voice, and said in a dark and gloomy tone: "What do you think I want to do to you?"

It can be said that he played a dangerous prisoner very well.

If Si Chengtian was to play the role of such a bad guy in normal times, he couldn't do it well.

But today was different, he was really sour, he had come to surprise her, but she had such a good time, she just didn't remember him at all.

So, with her cooperation like this, Si Chengtian just pretended to be a bad guy to the end.

Quan Jiayun's ears tingled when he heard the dangerous voice that was different from Si Chengtian's usual.

And because her eyes were blinded, she didn't open her consciousness.

This feeling is more clear.

Quan Jiayun pursed his lips and said: "You are playing hooligans, you are looking for death, man!!"

Quan Jiayun said that his backhand was a hard throw over the shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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