Chapter 1698

Under Li Wenzhou's soft drink, the sword shadow wrapped in alchemy turned into a long rainbow, and went straight to the eyebrows of Quan Jiayun's forehead. Obviously, Li Wenzhou had the heart to kill this little girl with one blow.

Facing this attack, Quan Jiayun's expression remained unchanged and he sat still.

Si Chengtian lifted his hand up to cover her forehead, and the sword rainbow wrapped in pill energy hit the back of his hand, and it shattered into nothingness in an instant during the shock.

And Si Chengtian didn't have a single scar on the back of his hand.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the monks in the hall changed again.

They didn't expect the altar master's sword to be resolved so lightly.

They stared at Si Chengtian, and immediately realized that this man was not a Tier [-] warrior, but a Tier [-] warrior, because if it was a Tier [-] warrior, it would be impossible to block it with their hands, even if it was Tier [-] or [-] or [-]. Even if it doesn't penetrate, it will definitely be popular.

But now everything is fine.

It must be a Tier [-] warrior.

Li Wenzhou also stared at Si Chengtian with narrowed eyes.

Although he expected that the person sent by Jiang Shanxue would definitely not be a waste, but he did not expect it to be a Tier [-] warrior.

Tier [-] fighters are now one of the few in the world, and they are not some bad street existence. When did Jiang Shanxue regain one quietly?
This is impossible.

Suddenly, Li Wenzhou narrowed his eyes and thought of a possibility.

Could it be Si Chengtian?

But this look doesn't look easy...

Just when Li Wenzhou was turning his head with a sullen face.

Quan Jiayun pressed Si Chengtian's hand, shook his little head and said: "The so-called killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, just you guys, why do you need the handsome and martial commander himself, the two of us are enough to talk to you gone."

Quan Jiayun shamelessly put a high hat on himself.

When Si Chengtian heard the words "handsome and martial", the corner of Si Chengtian's mouth twitched slightly.

And hearing the little girl's unbridled words, the faces of all the monks became even more ugly, and even the stable elders of the golden core couldn't help but sink, thinking that the elders of the golden core in their cultivation alliance were dead?
Even if that man is a Tier [-] warrior, do you think he can take advantage of them?

How naive! !
Li Wenzhou snorted coldly in his heart, stared at the nonchalant little girl, twitched the corners of his mouth, then sat down gracefully to the side, rubbed his thumb and said: "Okay, I'll talk to you guys Let’s talk, Jiang Shanxue asked you to come to the Cultivation League, what do you want to talk about with our Cultivation League.”

Quan Jiayun blinked his big eyes, and said in an ordinary tone: "It's nothing, I just ask you whether you want to die or live. The way to survive is to submit to the commander and be used by the commander. Otherwise, it is a dead end."

"That's it, I'll give you a minute to think."

Quan Jiayun threw down such a sentence, leaned on Si Chengtian's chest, and continued to play with Si Chengtian's hand.

When the cultivators heard this, they were not as shocked as before.

Because it has been astonishing.

After all, the other party was not kind.

They are already mentally prepared for such a situation.

But even if they were mentally prepared, they still couldn't believe it when they really heard the little girl throw out such an option.

They looked at the senior one and the younger one, and at the altar master and several elders, all with only one thought in their minds.

Jiang Shanxue is crazy!
Didn't he really think that he could fight against Lord Cangxuan because he thought that he killed a fourth-rank warrior?
(End of this chapter)

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