Chapter 1703 Attack
With the word field, the syllable falls.

A rushing ice-cold spiritual pressure erupted from Quan Jiayun's body.

With the eruption of this spiritual pressure, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, not the cooling of the atmosphere, but the actual cooling of the space.

It is obvious that autumn has not yet entered, but there is icy cold air in winter.

Feeling the icy cold air and the relentless words of the other party, the faces of the three of them changed. The cold attribute meant that this person was at least a dual-attribute cultivator.

Seeing this little girl in a complicated loli skirt jumping off the man's lap with a sword in her hand, there was still that bloodthirsty fighting intent in her eyes.

Without any hesitation, the three of them rushed out of the hall, intending to escape from the East China Base first, and gather with Lord Cangxuan.

The three of them are all Golden Core cultivators, so it is not unpleasant to run.

It can be said that it went outside like a puff of smoke.

But within a certain range, Quan Jiayun can move through the tiny movable space crack.

This is much faster than them.

When they rushed to the spacious courtyard outside, Quan Jiayun's figure appeared from mid-air in front of them, raised his sword and slashed towards the direction of the three of them.

When the sword was cut down, Quan Jiayun's spell had already been completed.

Countless raindrops in the sky turned into ice and snow and gathered on Quan Jiayun's Xinghe Sword, forming an ice sword several meters long, ice blue all over, and shining like a diamond.

Facing this sword, the three of them couldn't dodge it, so they could only sacrifice their own defensive magic weapons to block it.


Countless ice flowers exploded, a gap was cut in the protective shields in front of the three of them, and their aura shields trembled.

Although the spiritual power in the magic weapon was immediately closed again, this still caused the expressions of the three of them to change drastically.

What a powerful sword!
What a sharp sword intent!

You must know that their defensive magic weapon is a top-grade spiritual weapon, and because it is a set of closely related weapons, when they are used together at the same time, they can be combined, and the defensive effect will increase by several degrees.

But now the sword was broken.

Although it only broke open in an instant, it was already shocking enough.

Except for Master Cangxuan, they also tried at that time, before the user's spiritual power was exhausted, they couldn't break through it with their abilities, but the other party broke through.

Obviously this is all because of the sword intent and the power of ice cold.

Sword Intent! !
Sword Intent! !
The opponent turned out to be a sword cultivator who had realized the sword intent.

And what he chased out just now seemed to be teleportation.

Teleportation, that is the supernatural power of Nascent Soul cultivator.

Is she a Nascent Soul cultivator?

The three of them parried the blow in the shock of their faces changing drastically, and immediately fled sideways in three directions. At this time, Quan Jiayun's second sword quickly slashed down.

As soon as there was a block on this side, the third sword on the other side fell again.

Under Quan Jiayun's powerful attack, they were suppressed every time they fled, so none of the three Golden Core monks escaped from the area of ​​the Cultivation League branch.

Seeing that they would not be able to escape for a while, they could only stop thinking about it temporarily, and used their real skills to attack Quan Jiayun, and took the opportunity to look for opportunities to escape.

face their attacks.

Quan Jiayun wasn't afraid at all, on the contrary, he became even more excited, his eyes burning with a fierce fighting spirit.

Since she was approaching the formation of alchemy, although she had fought with Jiang Jianmin, a Tier [-] warrior, and the Golden Core cultivator of Lan Yuezong, but these were basically one-on-one battles.

So, she wanted to know a question.

(End of this chapter)

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