The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1714 Before the Storm

Chapter 1714 Before the Storm

"Didn't you say one big and one small? I think it is very likely that Jiang Shanxue and his accomplices disguised themselves, and then released the news, trying to confuse our judgment and make us misjudge that he still has a lot of cards, which makes us a little timid. .”

"I think so too. Therefore, the Lord need not worry at all. No matter what, Jiang Shanxue will never be your opponent. You are the master of this world."

Seeing that they were flattering again, Cang Xuan pressed his hand, signaling them to shut up.

Cang Xuan is naturally extremely confident in himself.

Before he advanced to the Yuanying stage, he had inquired about all the capable people in Huaxia, and he knew who was in which base.

So he can be sure that he is definitely No. 1 in the Nascent Soul Stage in Huaxia, and no one is in front of him.

But at this time, Jiang Shanxue suddenly came out of nowhere. Before that, Cang Xuan had no information about this person at all. When Jiang Jianmin died, he had someone investigate Jiang Shanxue.

This Jiang Shanxue appeared for the first time in a store of the branch of the Ruyi Club, and there was no news about the others.

This made Cang Xuan more or less cautious.

How many people died of pride and underestimation of the enemy.

Even if he doesn't think that someone is ahead of him, but he will not underestimate the enemy, Cang Xuan looked into the distance, eyes burning with enthusiasm.

At this moment, he is looking forward to this battle with Jiang Shanxue even more.

Cang Xuan rubbed his fingers, and thought to himself: Jiang Shanxue, it's such a big mess, don't let the deity down.


In the East China base, as the sun rose higher and higher, everyone's hearts became higher and higher.

When Quan's father and mother got the news, they rushed to the East China Base along with the people from Lanyuezong.

It was Quan Jiayun who informed them that she hadn't set up a formation on Lanyuezong's side, in case Cangxuan suddenly went to Lanyuezong's side first, so she notified her parents and asked them to bring people here base.

Regarding Quan Jiayun's big commotion, Quan's father and mother were really shocked when they heard it all the way. They didn't expect that in just ten days, there would be such a big change. After becoming an army commander, they even provoke Cang Xuan is here.

They had no words of reproach for that, though.

Quan Hanyi looked at Quan Jiayun and said, "You are already grown up, I won't say anything more if you have a sense of proportion, but don't be brave, just retreat if you have to, these people in the East China Base..."

Quan Hanyi paused, glanced outside to see people, his heart was hardened, and he said firmly: "Everyone has his own decision, you don't have to take too much."

Compared with other people, Quan Hanyi loves this woman he hasn't seen for many years more.

Quan Jiayun's heart warmed when he heard this.

Fortunately, her father put her life first, not a holy father.

She smiled and said, "I know, you don't need to worry about this."

Quan Hanyi nodded, at this moment Shu Leying looked back and asked: "Is that Si Chengtian not here? I heard that you are dating him, is there such a thing? Tell us honestly .”

A few days ago, she wanted to come over and ask.

Father Quan's eyes were also fixed on Quan Jiayun's face.

Quan Jiayun naturally did not deny it, she replied with a smile: "There is such a thing, after the matter of Cang Xuan is over, I will let him meet with you."

"it is good."

After getting the exact answer, Quan's father and mother didn't say much, and Quan Jiayun asked again: "Are you watching at the base, or staying in my magic weapon space."

(End of this chapter)

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