The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1723 Battle Nascent Soul 4

Chapter 1723 Battle Nascent Soul 4
For a long time, because he couldn't see through Jiang Shanxue's cultivation base, Jiang Shanxue's ability to teleport in the Nascent Soul stage, and Taoism, etc., so Cang Xuan has always been uncertain about the extent of Jiang Shanxue's cultivation base , under observation.

Now relying on this slash directly to the opponent, Cang Xuan can finally be sure of the opponent's cultivation level.

No matter how the opponent knows teleportation and Taoism, he has not reached the Nascent Soul Stage.

If the opponent is also a Nascent Soul cultivator, with this sword intent, he can definitely tear through his aura shield. Of course, Jiang Shanxue is also capable of this.

You must know that under normal circumstances, no Golden Core cultivator can hurt a Nascent Soul cultivator or break the Nascent Soul cultivator's defense!

When Quan Jiayun heard Cang Xuan's words, the corners of his mouth curled up, his beautiful phoenix eyes were full of provocation.

"So what if it's not Nascent Soul, can you kill me?"

Cang Xuan's heart has stabilized now.

He said coldly: "Don't play tricks, this deity will let you know what regret is."

Accompanied by these words, Cang Xuan held the sword that appeared out of thin air, and slashed out with a single strike.

When the sword was slashed out, an astonishing fire intent was attached to the sword, absorbing all the scorching vitality around it, and instantly formed a fiery dragon several feet long.

This fire dragon is not like an ordinary flame.

It was obviously more intense than the fire attached to the spear by Quan Jiayun before.

After all, the Nascent Soul cultivator can mobilize the energy of the heavens and the earth, even the low-level magic weapons of ordinary monks can exert different powers in his hands, and the magic weapons he owns are naturally even more extraordinary.

Even within the formation, the soldiers on the city wall felt extremely hot at this moment, and sweat oozed from their bodies almost instantly, drying out and oozing out...

Feeling the strong fire intent, Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking: Sure enough, he is indeed a Nascent Soul cultivator, but he is different from a Golden Core cultivator.

As for Cang Xuan's ability to fire, she was not surprised.

Just now the opponent pointed out the wind technique, it is obvious that this person has cultivated at least two elements, and these two elements are the fire element and the wood element, because only these two attributes can be transformed into wind, and he can also use the wind technique .

Quan Jiayun's mind was spinning, and he didn't delay his action at all.

The water spirit in her dantian turned, and she teleported away when her body felt better.

During Quan Jiayun's change of position, Cang Xuan shifted his shape and swung down with one sword after another.

The fire dragons also appeared one after another. In an instant, nearly eighteen fire dragons in the air covered the sky, engulfed Quan Jiayun from all directions, up and down, leaving no room for escape.

This astonishing picture once again made the hearts of everyone who watched it tighten.

How to hide?

Cang Xuan also had this intention, he wanted to see how Jiang Shanxue would deal with it.

With the fire in this area, the surrounding area is scorching hot and without water vapor. Even if the opponent knows water spells, as long as they don't have water magic weapons, they won't be able to summon them for a while.

Under Cang Xuan's attack, Quan Jiayun didn't careless.

As a cultivator at the early stage of Jindan, she did not look down on Cangxuan, a Nascent Soul cultivator. Although she can practice the Five Laws in the same realm, she does not want to kill a Nascent Soul cultivator of a higher realm. of.

Quan Jiayun hit her ice silkworm umbrella on top of her head again, and she was enveloped by silk curtains of ice.

The Ice Silkworm Umbrella, made of silk spun by ice silkworms, has a very strong ice attribute, and was sacrificed by her to the level of a low-grade treasure. At this time, it is best used to block the extremely strong fire in this fire dragon .

(End of this chapter)

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