The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1725 Battle Nascent Soul 6

Chapter 1725 Battle Nascent Soul 6
This kid, could it be that he has completed the five methods of alchemy! !

If Jiang Shanxue is the five methods of alchemy, it is no wonder that he was able to lead the catastrophe to kill Jiang Jianmin, and he knew the teleportation in advance. As for the Taoism, maybe he was lucky enough to get some kind of inheritance, so he comprehended a Taoism in advance in the body.

Cang Xuan had no choice but to make such a guess.

At that night, Jiang Shanxue's cataclysm advanced, and those who watched said that the scene was very unusual.

He also looked at it twice afterwards, but at that time he guessed that it might be the three methods of Dancheng, and he didn't think about the five methods of Dancheng, or in other words, he couldn't think about the five methods of Dancheng.

Because all along, Cangxuan has been proud of himself for cultivating two elements, achieving Jindan, and Nascent Soul. After all, in the current comprehension world, there are still more people who cultivate the first element.

Admitting that the other party's alchemy has achieved the three methods is already within the range Cang Xuan can bear, thinking that there is only one more method.

How can he admit that it is Dan Cheng Wufa.

Dan Cheng Wufa! ! !
Dan Cheng Wufa means that the five systems have been cultivated.

Not to mention that due to the invasion of other worlds, the spiritual energy has recovered a little, and there are monster cores and demon pills to cultivate, even in the ancient times when the earth's spiritual energy was still abundant, few people dared to practice the five elements.

Because this is the most difficult cultivation.

Difficult and slow.

Cultivating this often has no future, and it is all abandoned halfway.

One can imagine the difficulty of this.

But now there is an alchemy master who has completely crushed his pride. How can Cangxuan bear it? It can be said that Cangxuan is completely jealous now.

Crazy jealous.

He already completely didn't want Jiang Shanxue to live.

Because once this kid grows up, he will definitely be trampled underfoot in the future.

This can bear it! !

In the rapid rotation of Cangxuan Sea of ​​Consciousness, he glanced at Jiang Shanxue from a distance.

At this time, Cang Xuan wanted to teleport to close the distance to attack Jiang Shanxue, because it would cause the vitality of the world here to be chaotic, and the cracks in space would be turbulent.

He must first solve the problem in front of him.

Thunderbolt is easy to say.

This kind of thunder and lightning is not as powerful as the thunder of Heavenly Tribulation when he was promoted.

Cangxuan put away his sword, a blue silk handkerchief suddenly appeared in his hand, he threw the silk handkerchief into the air, immediately, the silk handkerchief spread, forming a big blue cloth, absorbing the lightning from the sky.

As for the sea that delusional to swallow him up.

Cang Xuan is waiting for the operation.

The mutation happened again.

The sea water that rushed at him turned to ice.

Because Quan Jiayun had already made new moves.

She knew that these two spells alone were not enough to cause much damage to Cangxuan, so how could she just stand and watch like this, since she had the opportunity to dare to attack actively at this time, she would naturally use this The advantage remains.

Quan Jiayun stood on the turbulent sea, holding the Xinghe sword in his hand, circulating the aura in his dantian to activate the restriction inside.

Swish Swish Swish, Quan Jiayun slashed on the surface of the sea with one sword after another.

With this slash, a white cold light emitted from the tip of the sword, and it entered the water extremely quickly. Soon, the water surface began to condense into white mist, and then into ice crystals.

But for a moment.

When the turbulent ice mist rolled up and rushed, it turned into ice and froze Cang Xuan's whole body in it.

Cang Xuan shattered the ice with one palm.

However, when the ice broke, taking advantage of this moment, other ice mist and ice crystals covered it layer by layer during the tumbling tide, preventing Cang Xuan from breaking it in time, and did not give Cang Xuan any more chances.

(End of this chapter)

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