The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1736 Towards the Top of the World

Chapter 1736 Towards the Top of the World
Quan Jiayun raised the corner of his mouth as he spoke, and said in a deep voice: "The whole army obeys orders."

All the soldiers looked solemn, stood at attention and saluted, looked up at Quan Jiayun respectfully, and waited for the commander's order.

As soon as Quan Jiayun opened his red lips, his cold and heartless voice resounded in everyone's ears.

"The group of people who left before, if anyone wants to return by force."

"Kill without mercy!!"

These three words are too bloody, and they seem to have seen the picture of Jiang Shanxue ruthlessly killing people.

Countless people's bodies trembled.

They realized very clearly that although Jiang Shanxue protected them, he was not the hero they imagined. Jiang Shanxue was an arbitrary tyrant who would not tolerate anyone's betrayal at all.

But are you going to leave?
Countless people standing outside the street looked at each other.

But this time compared to the previous riots, no one stepped forward.

Because it is really good to have the blessing of Jiang Shanxue, and anyone who is not stupid will understand that after Jiang Shanxue killed Cangxuan, he will be No. 1 in the Heavenly List.

East China will only get stronger and stronger in the future.

Moreover, as long as you are obedient and obedient, you will be fine.

It's not too difficult.

Especially for those ordinary people, warriors can bully them, and it doesn't matter much to them to become Yiyantang now, they just want someone to protect them for food and clothing.

Amid everyone's uneasiness, Quan Jiayun added another candy after whipping the whip.

"Okay, I've said what needs to be said, and I won't say anything more. In the future, we will reach the pinnacle of the world together and become the most prosperous city in the world."

The phrase "the pinnacle of the world" once again made the people in the East China base boil, especially those who already worship Jiangshan's blood, or those who are ambitious, the most excited.

Who doesn't want their base to be stronger.

Just like everyone wants their country to be the strongest.

It's a feeling one can be proud of.

After Quan Jiayun ended the live broadcast, these people brainwashed others.

"Speaking of which, it is a great blessing for us to be able to serve the army commander!"

"What blessing? You didn't see that the high-ranking monks in Cangxuan just wanted to be loyal to the army commander, but the army commander didn't want it. None of those people are more capable than you. Do you think you have any abilities that the army commander values?"

"That's right, don't take yourself too seriously, get out if you don't want to, didn't you listen to the commander, no one is stopping you."

Under the brainwashing of these words, the East China Base in the future will be just as Quan Jiayun wants. The high-levels are her fans, and the low-levels are also her fans. They are more loyal than anyone else.

However, that's all for later.

At this time, Quan Jiayun, who had accepted the work, first asked people to remove the protective formation, because there was no spirit stone, and a lot of demon crystal cores were needed to operate this large formation, and every second was a huge sum of money.

So once the crisis is eliminated, the formation will naturally be shut down.

Use it when it is useful.

After giving the order, Quan Jiayun walked up to his parents.

Quan's father and mother were with the people from Lanyue Sect. Seeing Jiang Shanxue approaching, Quan's parents were full of excitement, and the others felt a little complicated and awed.

Many low-ranking monks secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva just watching Jiang Shanxue approaching.

Although Jiang Shanxue knew he was a formidable man when he killed Liu Feizhi before, but he really didn't expect that he could even kill Cangxuan! !This is too strong, but Nascent Soul cultivator.

How fearless everyone is.

(End of this chapter)

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