The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1738 Si Chengtian is here

Chapter 1738 Si Chengtian is Back
Quan Jiayun was amused when she heard it, she swallowed the food in her mouth, and said with a teasing smile: "Mom, what are you talking about, you are already in a relationship, why don't you know, it's possible, you are still thinking of Si Chengtian The addiction to breaking sleeves."

Quan Jiayun spoke casually, but these words exploded in Tang Haoyue's mind like thunder, making her body stiff and cold.

Master is in love?

With Si Chengtian?

When did this happen.

In an instant, the lobster on Tang Haoyue's table fell onto the table. Tang Haoyue came back to her senses after the drop. She hurried to pick it up before they saw it, but she almost overturned the plate because of her impatience. .

Several people present looked sideways at Tang Haoyue.

Tang Haoyue forced a smile to cover it up.

"Hands are oily and slippery."

Quan Jiayun tilted his head, the broken hair on his forehead brushed his heroic long eyebrows.

She stared at Tang Haoyue's bleeding face for two seconds, the corners of her mouth curled up, and said with a teasing smile, "You know I'm in love, are you so shocked?"

Tang Haoyue lowered her head, not daring to meet Quan Jiayun's eyes, and replied in a low voice, "Yes."

More than a shock.

She couldn't accept it even more. She didn't understand why someone like Master would fall in love with a stinky man! ! !Living gracefully and unrestrainedly, wouldn't it be good to trample all the men under your feet?

She almost wanted to question Master like this.

But Tang Haoyue understood that she didn't have the qualifications, and she couldn't say anything.

Quan Jiayun looked at Tang Haoyue's gloomy appearance, and said again: "Unhappy?"

Tang Haoyue's eyes were sour, and she wanted to cry.

After being bullied by Jiang Ce for so long, she never wanted to cry.

But this time she couldn't restrain the urge to cry.

She is not happy.

For her, Quan Jiayun is not just a master, but her belief. How much she worships the powerful her, but such a master is in love! !
Quan Jiayun couldn't fully guess Tang Haoyue's mood, but he could guess a little bit.

For this worry-free and well-behaved little apprentice.

Quan Jiayun wanted to comfort her.

Quan Jiayun reached out and grabbed Tang Haoyue's hand, pulled a tissue to wipe off the oil stains on Tang Haoyue's hand, and said, "You are my apprentice, this is a relationship that will never change in my life, that is, whether I fall in love or not, Change a few boyfriends, and I will spoil you, do you understand?"

Do you understand.

This ending sound with a hook immediately made Tang Haoyue's heart sore and sore.

Of course she understands, what the master said means that men can be changed at any time, but apprentices cannot be changed.

Tang Haoyue raised her head, a pair of slightly red eyes lit up and looked at Quan Jiayun, tears just fell from her eye sockets.

The master said that for a lifetime, this proves that she is different.

But she still doesn't want Master to fall in love with a smelly man.

Seeing Tang Haoyue such a calm girl, looking at her with tears in her eyes, how could a self-proclaimed gentleman like Quan Jiayun not feel sorry for her.

"How old is a girl, still crying, are you ashamed?"

Quan Jiayun reached out to wipe away the tears in Tang Haoyue's eyes, but Tang Haoyue's tears would not stop for a while. She tightly grasped Master's hand, choked up and said, "Master..."

Can I just want her company and not a man?

She will also love Master well.

When this idea is together.

Only then did Tang Haoyue realize that she had such a strong desire to possess her master.

Tang Haoyue's body froze.

Although Quan Jiayun noticed it, she didn't think too much about it. She pulled out her hand, touched Tang Haoyue's face and said, "Okay, okay, hurry up and wash your face."

Tang Haoyue's eyes were red, she glanced at her master's face, and left quickly.

Lu Wanwan stuck out her tongue and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect the cold and beautiful sister Yue to be like this in front of the senior sister."

Although she had discovered before that when talking about senior sisters, sister Yue was extraordinarily lively and talkative.

Quan Jiayun smiled and said nothing, and continued to eat.

After leaving, Tang Haoyue didn't come back for a long time, but it was Si Chengtian who came back first.

(End of this chapter)

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