Chapter 1748

In the room, Quan Jiayun and Si Chengtian could see these changes at a glance, even warriors who hadn't opened their spirits to refine Qi, could vaguely see a huge vortex at this moment.

At the same time, they can obviously feel the air is getting better, breathing in it at one gulp, it is cool and refreshing, which makes people feel refreshed.

They could not help but glance at Li Lin.

Quan Jiayun looked at the huge vortex, and gave a light sigh, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Putting multiple spirit-gathering jade cards together will form a greater spirit-gathering effect. Of course, she knows this. After all, there are some superimposed effects, but this is obviously not the only one.

This battle is much bigger.

Normally, each piece of spirit-gathering jade tablet is independent, no matter how many gather together, each gathers its own aura, and it will never achieve such an effect.

Because it is impossible to have any attraction between them.

Quan Jiayun suddenly shrouded her spiritual consciousness, and at the same time entered the interior of the spirit-gathering jade tablet, observing the outlined spirit-gathering formations, and she immediately found the subtle change.

Yes, each piece of Juling Jade Tablet has been slightly altered.

The changes are minimal.

But connected together can form a formation.

She looked at the slightly modified Spirit Gathering Formation, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Sure enough...

Quan Jiayun withdrew his consciousness, opened his eyes and looked at Li Lin and said, "That's right, seven jade plaques are used as a group to form the Big Dipper Array, and seven Big Dipper Qi Star Arrays are used to form a Big Dipper Array. The two Big Dipper arrays form the negatives of the Big Dipper array, and they are the horns of each other, forming a Tiangang Big Dipper spirit gathering array with mutual attraction and restraint, no wonder the spirit gathering effect is so good."

"You can change this effect, you are quite capable."

Quan Jiayun's words are sincere praises to Li Lin, he really made her look at him with admiration.

As the most common and most used formation in the cultivation world, the spirit-gathering formation can be sketched even if it is not a professional formation master, so it is not so rare.

But if you can modify the spirit-gathering formation like this and succeed, it will be different.

Every formation is perfected and passed down from ancient times. Even if it is such an ordinary spirit-gathering formation, if you want to modify it and succeed, you must have a big brother.

One is proficient in formations, the other is very flexible, and the third has the courage to try boldly.

Only after many studies can the changes be made successfully.

In this way, one can be good at special research, and those who study it will have a very promising future in the formation.

Hearing that Jiang Shanxue saw through his hands and feet at a glance and praised him, a smile appeared on Li Lin's face, but he said modestly: "Senior Jiang is absurdly praised, I believe that with Senior Jiang's attainments, he wants to If I change it, I can do it very well, and my skill is really not worth mentioning in front of Senior Jiang."

Quan Jiayun chuckled, and did not deny that she could do better.

If she wants to do it, she can naturally do better. However, because she has a small world, she has a lot of aura, so she never thought of spending time on the spirit gathering array, and she won't spend it in the future.

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "There is no need to be modest, you should be proud of doing this, this is your ability, but just a set of this kind of spirit-gathering jade card is not enough for me to accept you."

The implication is that Li Lin has to work harder for her.

(End of this chapter)

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