The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1752 Thank you for bringing me here

Chapter 1752 Thank you for bringing me here
With her permission, Si Chengtian opened his eyes. In front of his eyes, instead of the previous view of the room, what appeared before his eyes was a picture like a fairyland.

There is a huge square in front of me. I don't know what the ground of the square is made of. Every piece is full of aura, bright and clean, and there are white clouds in the distance outside the square.

Under the white clouds, there are green hills full of emerald green. There are many birds hovering in the green hills, and the sea can be seen in the distance.

It can be said that at a glance, one's heart suddenly widens.

That is the magnificent beauty of nature.

Although Si Chengtian didn't take every inch of Huaxia after the end of the world.

But he knew all about the map, so he could be sure at once that this was not like the scope of land owned by Huaxia on the surface.

Not to mention that the aura here is too abundant, and it is even the wilderness area of ​​China today. Although there are lush forests everywhere, there is absolutely no such scene in the wilderness area.

Si Chengtian withdrew his gaze, looked back at Quan Jiayun, squeezed her hand and said, "Thank you for bringing me here."

He didn't ask where it was, or where she had taken him.

Where this is is not important to him, what is important is her willingness to bring him here.

Quan Jiayun likes him like this, and she will never ask more questions that shouldn't be asked, she pulled him and turned around and said: "Let's go, go in and have a look."

Turning around, Si Chengtian saw the palace of the golden courtyard and jade pillars on the [-]-meter staircase.

Because of the construction of the white jade staircase, the palace is higher than other green hills and has become the most transcendent existence, like a palace in the sky, people can feel admiration just by looking at it.

Si Chengtian was even more sure that this must be a scene hidden somewhere that no one has seen before, or this is not the earth anymore...

When you get closer, the architecture of the palace is even more shocking. It is said that it is a golden court jade pillar, that is true. The tall palace is supported by 9 thick, crystal-clear jade pillars.

I don't know where such jade came from.

Si Chengtian couldn't help touching it when he passed by, Quan Jiayun took a look at his actions, and explained from the side: "These jade pillars are connected to the spiritual eyes of the earth's core mountain range, so this place is the place with the most spiritual energy. The place."

The aura is the most abundant, Si Chengtian also felt it when he stepped into this place.

The two quickly entered the hall.

Just like that time when Quan Jiayun brought his parents, Si Chengtian also saw a pair of lifelike murals in the hall. Quan Jiayun brought Si Chengtian this time mainly because he wanted him to see them.

This is a painting by Shinan Tianxian, and there may be a certain kind of Taoism in each painting.

Although Si Chengtian mainly practiced body training, it was good for him to be able to realize the Tao, especially now that he had advanced to the fourth level, it was time for him to be able to understand the Tao.

Since Quan Jiayun gave all the benefits to his disciples and righteous disciples, he naturally wouldn't treat Si Chengtian badly from above, because she was confident enough that she wasn't worried that Si Chengtian would overpower her.

Quan Jiayun said: "Look carefully and see if you can realize anything."

"it is good."

Si Chengtian stared at the paintings on the wall, and he also noticed something extraordinary in them. Now, he couldn't care less about Quan Jiayun.

Seeing him staring at the painting intently, Quan Jiayun smiled, turned around and walked to another room. This time, Quan Jiayun entered the cultivation room she used as a nurturing room.

(End of this chapter)

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