The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1768 Incompetent

Chapter 1768 Incompetent
They looked at Jiang Shanxue on the opposite side, their eyes were full of anger. This Jiang Shanxue, who is soft and hard, just doesn't show face. It can be said that the Wu family hates this arrogant Jiang Shanxue even more.

Especially Wu Yunhe, he really wanted to kill Jiang Shanxue right away.

He glanced at all the clansmen, and said to Wu Yinyao: "Yao'er, you have been wronged for the sake of the Wu family. You, you think too much at a young age, but as a father, there are also the elders and the elders. No matter how capable you are, the Wu family won't collapse, so you don't have to worry."

The implication is that her daughter's humiliation is also considering the future of the entire Wu family, otherwise, she will not be humiliated.

Wu Yunhe said this to the clansmen, and he wanted the clansmen to feel guilty. He didn't want the clansmen to think that his daughter wanted Jiang Shanxue to marry him.

Sure enough, when Wu Yunhe said this, the Wu family felt sorry for them even more as the eldest lady of the Wu family.

Wu Yunqi snorted coldly.

Although Wu Anfu felt somewhat ashamed, he believed that this great-great-great-granddaughter was too aggressive, which caused such a big embarrassment.

But thinking about it, this granddaughter was doing it for the good of the Wu family, so he didn't say anything to blame. He followed Wu Yunhe's words and said, "As your father said, the Wu family can stand up to a mere Jiangshan blood, so you don't need to worry about it." , Seeing that your complexion is not good, go down and rest, we are outside."

Wu Yinyao's face was pale, but she shook her head resolutely and said: "It's okay, the Wu family has encountered a big enemy attacking the clan, so I, as the young lady of the Wu family, naturally want to stay here and advance and retreat together with everyone."

This appearance of Wu Yinyao made the Wu family members feel even more comforted.

Such a good lady.

It's a pity that that blind Jiang Shanxue actually refused such a good marriage. See, there will always be a day when he regrets it.

Everyone stared at Jiang Shanxue, all wanting to see how he would end up with cold glances.

At this moment, Li Lin, who had already seen the entire structure of the formation along the barrier, glanced at the Wu family in the barrier, returned to Quan Jiayun, and said bitterly: "Commander... I'm incompetent and can't break it."

Although Li Lin came with Jiangshanxue, his intention was to see Jiangshanxue break through and learn something from him, but he couldn't break through himself, which still made him a little disappointed.

Li Lin's voice was not loud, but it was enough for all the practitioners present to hear clearly.

Li Lin said he couldn't break it.

Wu Anfu's eyes lit up. What he was most afraid of was that Li Lin, the formation mage, could really break through the formation. Now, if Li Lin couldn't break through the formation, then what would the Wu family have to fear.

Although I heard that the East China base was also protected by a large array yesterday, but because Li Lin was with Jiang Shanxue today, he thought that Jiang Shanxue had instigated Li Lin's rebellion long ago and asked Li Lin to command the formation that Jiang Shanxue set up.

It never occurred to him that Jiang Shanxue set it up by himself.

The reason is that a formation mage has to calm down, that is, when setting up the formation and using spiritual power to draw the formation, even if the landslide is in front of him, he can still focus on his eyes.

As for Jiang Shanxue, an extremely arrogant and conceited person, he couldn't sit still at first glance.

Therefore, they never thought about Jiangshan Xuehui being a formation master.

Ever since, when Li Lin said that he couldn't break it, many Wu family members couldn't help but laughed.

"This can't be broken, isn't Niu Honghong going to forcibly conscript my Wu family's refiner?"

"Commander Jiang, we are already preparing for battle inside and waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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