The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1770 Quan Jiayun breaks the formation

Chapter 1770 Quan Jiayun breaks the formation

If you use a knife, a sword, or a long object to cut the barrier, there will be no such attack, but breaking the formation like this, unless the cultivation base is very high, or the formation is too weak.

Quan Jiayun understands that this is not the saber and sword energy used by real people, but the form constructed by the spirituality of the formation, and this form depends on what kind of formation it is.

With these main attacks, Quan Jiayun immediately confirmed one thing in his mind.

However, although it is a form constructed by the formation of spirituality, the saber and sword aura are very awe-inspiring. As soon as Quan Jiadang let go of his hand, the saber and sword aura immediately retreated without finding the target.

Seeing this scene, the Wu family was very anxious.

It would be fine if you attack.

However, these saber and sword qi are spiritual qi created to protect the barrier, and will not break out of the boundary of the barrier to actively attack people outside.

Quan Jiayun changed places and reached out his hand again.

This time, it was still these sword auras.

So Quan Jiayun changed another place, and this time, as soon as Quan Jiayun put his hand on it, countless soil burst up in the area below the barrier, engulfing Quan Jiayun in an instant, like Buried alive.

The few people outside were shocked when they saw the hill that was several meters high and piled up in an instant.


Zhan Hu said calmly: "Don't panic, the commander will be fine."

Sure enough, Quan Jiayun quickly escaped from the soil along with the tall trees. This scene once again made the Wu family feel sad, wishing that this Jiangshan blood would be buried deep in the ground.

Leaving this area of ​​thick soil, Quan Jiayun changed his position again and put his hand on the barrier.

This time, there were no tens of millions of saber and sword qi, and there was no sudden large amount of thick soil.
At this moment, Quan Jiayun seemed to disappear in the Wu family and came to another place.

It was an abyss of thousands, and under the abyss were countless monsters. A beautiful and embarrassed female cultivator stared at her, her face full of grief and indignation.

"Quan Jiayun, why are you treating me like this? We are classmates, but the classmates who came here from the earth together have a classmate friendship for several years. Even if there is something wrong with me, how can you be so ruthless? You are still not human."

Quan Jiayun laughed when she saw this woman who had died so early and she could no longer remember.

She knew what she was in.

Among the hallucinations.

Isn't it a hallucination? People who are already dead can still accuse her in front of her.

At that time, this woman seemed to be accusing her in the same way, but how did she answer the other party at that time? Quan Jiayun remembered that she answered yes.

"I'm not a human being. I'm going to become a god in the future, so how can I be a human being?"

Then she threw him down amidst the other party's even more angry curses.

Quan Jiayun didn't answer anything now, what could be said about the illusion that tried to arouse her inner demons, Quan Jiayun was very firm, and kicked her directly, kicking her into the abyss.

She didn't think she did anything wrong back then.

Now it's even more delusional to try to shake her heart.

Quan Jiayun kicked the person down and walked straight forward from the abyss. Naturally, Quan Jiayun didn't fall down, because the scene in front of her eyes changed again.

They were all from the hands of those who died at her hands.

Quan Jiayun destroyed them all with one kick.

At this moment, the picture changed again. This time, it was Quan Jiayun's parents who lived in their original home. When they saw Quan Jiayun coming in, they greeted him with tears in their eyes.

"My son, you are back."

(End of this chapter)

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